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Chapter 13

"Where is she?!" Jungkook yelled, his voice echoed around the throne room. They've returned after venturing around the forest aimlessly for more than a week. They've even crossed borders with the werewolves, faeries and the unicorns, but there were no signs of Jangmi. Not even her scent was found.

"Calm down. We can just ask for help. You panicking and throwing things around wouldn't bring Jangmi back." Jin said, his own pupils red. He was undoubtedly frustrated at the situation they were in. He had planned out and memorized every possible routes that could lead them to Jangmi but it was all a failure. Even Jimin couldn't track Jangmi's scent, making them slowly losing hope. Jungkook being emotional wasn't helping them either.

"Calm down? You're asking me to calm down when my mate is out there somewhere and there's a chance of her being tortured because of me? Are you crazy?!" Jungkook exclaimed, glaring and Jin with hatred and Jin returned the glare.

"Is it my fault that she's captured? You could've just bypassed the differences that both of you had but no, you just had to let your hatred towards the half-breeds control your feelings for her. Don't put the blame on us now Jungkook." Jin said and Jungkook's eyes didn't even softened at that accusation. It was true, if only he had accepted Jangmi, both of them would've been happy and she wouldn't have been kidnapped.

"Stop it. Fighting wouldn't solve anything either." Rapmon said sternly, giving both vampires a look.

"We have visitors." Suga said when he heard footsteps approaching the messy throne room. Broken vases, lamps, table, and picture frames were on the ground. Jungkook had to let out his anger and the only way besides killing was throwing things on the ground, breaking them. The door to the throne room opened, revealing two couples. One couple was older than the other.

Jungkook frowned when he saw who they were. "I don't recall giving you an invitation to come, nor do I recall you giving me a prior notice of your visit." He said, giving his full attention to them. All four of them gave Jungkook a 90-degree bow in respect.

"I'll apologize for the short notice, but the both of us need to help one another. Your mate is missing, correct?" The older female asked and Jungkook glared at her, looking wary. He might've or might've not exposed to the entire mythical species population that his mate was kidnapped. Well, he had been running around the places finding for Jangmi, so it was no surprise if they knew.

"What do you know?" He asked, baring his fangs in caution, daring her to mess with him, but she was not at all fazed by his antics. In fact, she glared at him back, daring him to threaten her and Jungkook took the hint and kept his fangs. His red pupils remained though.

"My daughter is your mate, and that she's captured by a rebel group called 'Le Creux'. It consists mainly of half-breed born vampires and the leader was my supposed mate. It was his own delusional thoughts though, he was power-hungry and made himself believe that I was his mate. Anyway, story-telling can wait for another day, my daughter's life is at stake. I can reach out to her only if she reaches out to me first. When I do, I'll tell you her exact location and you and your army go straight to the place. I could feel her body weakening and her life force diminishing so we have no time to waste." The older lady said and Jungkook widened his eyes, the new information processing in his head.

So, Jangmi wasn't human?

"Goodness gracious, no she's not. She's a sorceress like me. Happy now? Like I said, story-telling can wait. My daughter's life can't." The older female snapped, making Jungkook flinched in surprised.

"O-okay." Jungkook stuttered and she threw Jungkook a dissatisfied look before sitting on the ground with her legs crossed. She closed her eyes, leaving the vampires in the throne room baffled.

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