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Chapter 12

** Warning : Brutal scenes ahead. Read it at your own risk. ** 

"Welcome home, Jangmi-ah." His voice resonated across the walls of the studio apartment, even with the doors opened. His sinister smile was one that Jangmi would never forget. Jangmi was at loss of words, but her eyes were enough to show the amount of hatred she had for the man standing in the middle of her apartment, uninvited. She had totally forgotten about him since it was another trauma that she had to witness, but him standing in her apartment like that was bringing back unwanted memories.

"It's been what? 3 years since I last saw you, after your parents died in a car crash and you had the unfortunate fate of witnessing me suck your parents dry. It's funny how you had that part missing in your memory." He snickered in amusement, shaking his head while Jangmi just glared at him.

She had indeed encountered a vampire before, but she was too traumatised to even remember it. But seeing him right there just brought back the memories that she had pushed back. The hatred had overpowered the fear that she had for him. She had lived amongst vampires for a month, and had been attacked by two, so the fear for vampires were long gone. She just had to experience holes being punctured into her skin again, it wasn't like she never experienced it before, so the fear didn't outweigh the hate.

"I'll just get straight to the point. My boss wants you." He said, amusement completedly wiped away from his face. Before Jangmi could even blink, he had appeared in front of her, making her widened her eyes in shock. He let out a smirk and before she knew it, two fangs punctured into her skin. She let out a gasp, he drank from her so quickly that she couldn't even let out a scream and fell unconscious in just a few seconds.

He smirked and threw her on his shoulder before running away.


"Blood." Jimin frowned when he smelled something familiar.

"Why does it smell so familiar?" Rapmon frowned, and Jimin raised his eyebrows in surprise. So it wasn't just him that found it familiar? After meeting Shannon for a few minutes and exchanging e-mails and numbers, Jimin had decided to go on patrol around the city with Rapmon and V, but V had decided to head to the castle first since he didn't see a point in waiting for one another.

"I can't make out what species it's from." Rapmon added and Jimin widened his eyes in realization. There was only one person that all of them knew that had no scent and Rapmon seemed to realize that as well.

"Oh shit." Rapmon cussed and both of them went their separate ways. Rapmon following the scent while Jimin went back to Shannon, to ask where Jangmi was living. It didn't take long for Jimin to find that information out and went straight to Jangmi's house. Her apartment door was wide open and there was still the scent of her blood lingering around the apartment, even the corridors.

Jimin clenched his fist when he managed to catch another scent. He knew that scent and he went straight to find Rapmon, who was deep inside the forest. He had lost track of Jangmi's scent and had waited for Jimin. "It's Jaeseok." Jimin said as soon as he was in front of Rapmon. Rapmon widened his eyes at the name. He was so focused on Jangmi's scent that he had missed the vampire's scent that came with it.

"Jungkook is going to go on a rampage." Rapmon glared at nothing in particular. Angered that Jangmi was kidnapped and definitely not happy at what was going to happen. It was partially Jungkook's fault really. If only he had accepted Jangmi like any other vampires would with their mate, this wouldn't have happened.

Both of them went to the castle in full speed and arrived in less than a minute. There was no time to waste.

Jungkook, fortunately, had no schedule for the day. His mind was amess after Jangmi left the castle and the look on her face when she slapped him. It was hate. It hurt him but he knew that it was the best for both of them. He had regretted keeping her in the castle against her own will. If only he had released her, the feelings wouldn’t go as deep as it had gone.

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