Day One

615 31 18


We all complex human beings with inner multitudes,
seeking to be seen and heard and known, complete.
We are all so much, so many.
And if the wholeness is in our own contradictions,
then maybe congruence comes in embracing our complexity.
To be utterly and unapologetically here, alive, in this body,
Let's give them voice, the many selves that lives within.
Let's let them have space here to be and breathe and become.
Let's hear them into speech, and see them into visibility.
Let's allow them their own rightful place at the table,
where there is room enough for all,
here where all dwell free.


Who are your many selves?
What are the furthest edges of your identities?
Who has been uninvited to the table, longing to be reunited?
Who holds the hidden gold?
Who needs most in this moment to be known?
Let's let them be and breathe and become.

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