Our adventure begins

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Drew P.O.V

"Do we really have to do this" Jack asks me before we walk in "Are you chickening out on me" I ask him in reply. "No im not, lets just go in ok" he sighed, the door creaked open and cold air blew in our faces which sent chills down my spine.

We walked in and set up our sleeping bags and a little table and start playing cards. "Hey can we play somethi......." a strange noise cut him off "What was that" I ask Jack.

We turn around to see a shadow walking down the stairs. I grab a broken piece of wood just in case.

"Hello boys" an ominous voice said. I recognize that voice I thought to myself. "Old man Joe is that you" I ask the strange man. "Yes, now what are you two doing here" he asks "We could be asking you the same thing" Jack replies.

He was silent and just kept walking closer and closer, with every step closer we walked back.

Sudinly we tripped over our sleeping bags and hit the floor. Old man Joe stood over us "Leave while you can" he said creepily. Out of no where the door swung open catching our attention.

We get up and run around the corner. I peek around and both him and the door are gone. "I warned you" his voice echoed through the house.

***Hey guys this is my first story and i would really like you feed back on this. Pleases let me know if you want more.

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