Lost girl

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********Hey, before we begin I wanted you to know that each chapter the P.O.V will change so that's why it didn't change last chapter. Let it begin!!!!********

Jack P.O.V

Damn why did I say yes to this, I thought to myself. We walked around to see if we could find a way out. But there was nothing, absolutely nothing.

Drew walked in front of me with the piece of wood from before in case Joe showed up he could defend us. "Why do you think he did this to us" I ask Drew breaking him from deep thought. "Huh what....oh um I don't know it doesn't seem like him, it's like he has a new personality or some thing." We kept walking around until we hear a little girl. "Are you lost hear as well" the little girl asked. "Umm....we are do you know a way out of here" Drew asked her. This is way to fishy to be real I thought to myself. "Hey dude can I talk to you" I say pulling him away. "What is it" he asks confused "I don't trust her not one bit."

I knew he'd most likely say she's our only way out. "Dude she might be our last chance" knew it. "Ok fine, lets just be careful" so I fallowed along.

"So will you trust me enough to fallow me" she said with an off setting smile. "I guise we have to" I replied. With that we go to the basement.

***********And here I end the chapter. Finally. Don't forget to vote and share bye**********

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