A silver ring

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Adrien, Marinette, and their 15 year old daughter, Maila sat at the dinner table watching the news.

"Today was the first Akuma in 23 years. Our new Ladybug and Chat Noir came to our rescue, defeating the Akuma that called its self, Ant Man." The reporter, Alya, said excitedly into the camera.

Adrien and Marinette both looked at each other. Shocked, yet happy, that their old kwami friends finally found their new chosen to save Paris.

They turn their attention back to the screen, that showed a shot of Ladybug and ChatNoir. Although this time, Chat Noir was a girl and Ladybug a guy.

Chat Noir had long, flowing, almost black, dark navy blue hair and emerald green eyes. She wore the same suit Adrien had, but only more feminine.

The Ladybug had short, choppy brunette hair and hazel eyes. Again, he wore the same suit, but instead made out of leather, with elbow pads.

Maila sat up from her chair, which made a loud noise, changing her parents attention to her.

"I don't want desert, I'll be going to my room."

Her parents frowned.

"Are you sure?" her mother asked, "it's tiramisu, your favorite."

"Tempting. But I'm too full." she walked out of the dinning room, before her mother could press on more.

"Oh, I almost forgot," she stuck her head out from the door. "Can you get some camembert when you go to the store tonight?"

         "Uhh, sure honey. Since when did you like camembert?"

        Maila hesitated, "Uh, j-just wanting to try it out." she slipped out before her parents could ask anymore questions.

         Just as she escaped, Adrien spotted a thick silver ring on her right ring finger.

"Plagg, my parents are going to get it tonight, so stop your whining." Maila sat on her bed.

        Plagg came out from her closet, looking grumpy as ever.

        "Thank the stars. I thought I had to wait for another day." He sat his place on her pillow. "You know, my last chosen had it on a silver plate right away. Although he had his own personal chef." he bragged.

     Maila rolled her eyes. "Yeah, yeah, whatever. How come you are constantly comparing me with your last chosen? I can't be that bad." she huffed.

           "Oh, well you are. You see, my last chosen didn't have an attitude. And when he first saw me, he was excited and didn't try to whack me with a pillow while screaming; die, die!" he glared.

          She responded with a shrug and a smirk. Deciding not to say anything else before he would go on a rampage.


       As Adrien and Marinette were washing the dishes. Adrien kept thinking back to the silver ring his daughter wore.

       He didn't know why, since she is able to wear jewelry. But that specific ring kept nagging on him, like if he is supposed to recognize it.

        Mari noticed his distress and put an arm around him.

        "Everything alright, kitty?" she asked warmly. She would always call him that when no one else was around. He would do the same back, calling her my lady, bugaboo, or princess.

       He smiled at her. Just by asking if he was okay, would make him feel better. What a lucky guy he was.

         "Everything is purrfect, my lady." he smirked, getting rolling eyes in response, "Just that, did you notice that Maila was wearing a silver ring?"

       Marinette tilted her head in confusion. "No, I didn't. Why is it getting you so worked up, kitty?"

           Adrien sighed. "I don't know. I guess after watching the news about the new Ladybug and Chat Noir, I thought maybe..." he trailed off, not wanting to make a fool out of himself  in front of his lady.

         She giggled. "You want her to be the new Chat Noir?"

         He fidgeted. "Well not exactly want, but more like hoping."

       "Well, why don't you pay her a visit to see if it is really the ring you are hoping for it to be? So this thought of yours won't be nagging at you for any longer."

         He laughed. "This is why I have you m'lady, so I won't have to stress out   on so many things."
         He kissed her, making sure to finish up the dishes. Then with one last kiss, he headed for Maila's room.


Next chapter coming very soon.
Hope you enjoyed.
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Btw just to make sure, you pronounce Maila as May-la

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