Meeting Ladybug 2.0

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Maila was confused.

The whole night was an unending creation of questions that his parents never answered. They both were far too excited talking to Plagg who was basking in the attention. His mood was also improved by the camembert that he's been shoving down his tiny throat.

It was midnight and she was thankful that it was the weekend cause she already is always late for school and going to sleep late won't help. They were on the Eiffel Towers and the breeze was cool from up high. She was leaning on the railing, looking down of the bright city. Normally she was afraid of heights but her recent job quickly had her overcome the fear.

Maila chomped on her cookie, feeling very out of place about something that she was supposed to know. She was supposed to be telling her parents about the miraculous as they stare at her with complete shock, but instead it was her gaping at them.

Apparently, his god parents, Alya and Nino were miraculous holders too. So when she asked about it, she was irked when her parents responded with a synchronized 'yup' and continue chatting.

When she also asked why they were on the Eiffel Tower, her parents asked why wouldn't they and that was the end of that.

They looked so content, catching up on the many years of not seeing each other. Maila couldn't help put feel a vine scratch in her gut at how well they all get along. Like wind through the leaves, her parents easily lift Plagg's barriers.

The Kwami always was prickly towards her and compared her to his last Chosen. She resented the previous Chosen, the man who seemed to be the only one who could break down Plagg's annoying walls. But of course it was her father. Of course someone as caring and adventurous he is could dig his way into the small magical cat.

Now she looks up to him even more.

Maila tried to imagine, her father in the same suit that she wears. She pictures him in the mask, cat ears, and the tail that somehow had a mind of its own. The pictures of the past Chat Noir made him look so charismatic, but also a sly and confident air to him. He was explained to be the reckless one out of the two main superheroes and the more she thought about it, the more she could picture her sorta lame dad to be a cool hero.

Her mom was the clumsiest person she had ever met, so it took some time subtly staring at her to see her swinging through the city. Then she remembered all the times her mom had to be serious, whether if Maila got hurt or if dad made a mess in the kitchen. Her mom can be scary, so imagining her in the famous red suit became not a problem.

"Hey, Maila-" her dad called and she straightened. "Do you know who the new Ladybug is yet?"

Frowning, she shook her head. "We're not supposed to know. Shouldn't you know that."

Her dad laughed. "Trust me, I know. Your mother reminded me all the time. I was just wondering, since it doesn't really matter."

Maila furrowed her brows. "But it does matter. There is a new cheetah miraculous that even Master Fu didn't know about and it's holder is spreading havoc!"

"Oh man!" Her dad exclaimed with a wide smile. "Master Fu is still alive!? I need his secret."

"Adrian!" Her mom scolded him, elbowing his side which earned a yelp from the man.

"Sorry, bugaboo. Anyway, when we found out about each other it only helped us as a team."

Her mom nodded, smiling softly. "It did take a bit for us to get used to it though."

"Don't remind me." Plagg groaned.

"Wait, so I can actually learn who Ladybug is!" She felt her face flush. She's been craving to know what he looks like from the moment she met him. He was so charming and cute even under the mask, a boy who she looked up to as not only a superhero but a person too. To know who he is means they could be together outside of saving Paris, maybe one day they'll go on a date.

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