Chapter6~ The Sleepover Part 2

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Jacob's P.O.V:
I can't believe it she said she would come sleepover! Yes I'm so happy. I really like Miranda and I want to ask her out but I don't know if she likes me back. I looked at the clock. It was already 5:00. I lost track of time. I started getting everything ready for our sleepover. At 5:25 I heard the doorbell ring. I looked through the peephole to see Miranda's face. I opened the door and my jaw dropped. She looked stunning! "Wow you look great," I said. "Awe thanks Jakey!" she said. She called me Jakey? No one has ever had a nickname for me but I liked it when she called me it. "Come in," I said nervously. We entered my room and she gasped. " Jacob u didn't have to do this." Oh yea, btw I put up fairy light and blankets and pillows were stown across the floor and there was food everywhere for us to eat. "Yes I did have to do it for you Miranda."

Miranda's P.O.V:
"Yes I did have to do it for you Miranda." Jacob said. I blushed... ALOT and I think Jacob might've seen me blush. "Hey Jacob I'm  going to go change into my onesie I'll be right back," I said. "Okay," he said simply. I came out in my panda onesie and Jacob was wearing the exact same one. "Hey you copier," Jacob smirked. "It was just a coincidence I guess," I grinned back. For the rest of the night Jacob and I watched Disney movies and made vines and musical.lys together. We both posted a pic with eachother on snapchat and Instagram. I had the best night ever. Next thing I know, I'm in Jacobs arms cuddled up to his chest as sleep took over my body. "Goodnight beautiful," was the last think I heard from Jacob. I smiled at his words and in that note fell asleep.

(Authors note:
Hope your enjoying so far. I'm enjoying making this for you all. I love you all, Miranda💋

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