Chapter8~ The Date Part2

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Miranda's P.O.V:
Today Jacob said he had a surprise for me and not going to lie I'm very nervous but I know whatever it is, it will be great! Our conversation went a little something like this,

J= Jacob~M= Miranda
J💓~ Hey, I want you to meet me tonight at my place at 7:00 sharp. Dress casually and please don't put any of that makeup stuff on your face. Your way to beautiful to wear that mask like stuff! Hope to see you tonight😊

M~ Of course I will meet you tonight. And Jacob u know I love wearing makeup. Please let me wear it.💗

J💓~ No makeup Miranda. Your to beautiful for it. See you tonight beautiful❤️
When Jacob said beautiful my heart started beating ten times faster and my limbs went weak. No one has ever called me beautiful before. And I'm glad the first person to was Jacob! I went to my closet at around 5:50 to find an outfit nothing really caught my eye until I saw the perfect outfit for tonight... A white sweetheart neckline crop top with a flowy Brandy Melville skirt my brown purse bag and my brown high heel boots. (Picture below)

Not going to lie I look good

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Not going to lie I look good. I really think Jacob will like my outfit too. For hair I just curled my blonde locks and left it down. I think tonight will be great! I really do like Jacob!

Jacob's P.O.V:
It was around 5:50, so I decided to start getting ready. I went upstairs and rummaged through my closet until I found THE outfit... (Picture below)

My outfit is very chill but I really like it I also paired it with a blue SnapBack and my white vans

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My outfit is very chill but I really like it I also paired it with a blue SnapBack and my white vans. (DAMN DANIEL BACK AT IT AGAIN WITH THE WHITE VANS!! 😂😂 I'm sorry I had to) I know whatever Miranda is wearing she is going to look beautiful in. I really hope she isn't wearing any of that makeup crap. She really doesn't need it. I wish I could find a way to make her notice that. Anyways, tonight is going to be exciting. Tonight is the night I'm going to ask Miranda to be mine. The day I have been waiting for, for forever and I can't believe I'm really going to. I definitely can cross this off my bucket list of things I want to do that make me happy.😊

Miranda's P.O.V:
It was 6:50 so I decided to walk over to Jacob's a little early. I approached his doorstep and knocked three times on the door. It was almost in an instant when he opened the door. "Hey Jakey," I said at once. He really did look handsome and I'm really happy he asked me if he could take me on a surprise!💗 All he did was just stare at me. "Jacob, Jacob are you okay?" I said. "Yeah, yeah I'm okay," he grinned.

Jacob's P.O.V:
Miranda knocked on my door earlier then expected. "Here we go. We r really about to do this" When I opened the door, my jaw dropped. She looked absolutely stunning and I just didn't know what to say. "Hey Jakey" she said. When she said that I got instant butterflies in my stomach. She just always has to find a way to make me feel warm and happy inside. I forgot that I was just staring at her. "Jacob, Jacob are you okay?" Miranda said. "Yeah, yeah I'm okay," I grinned back. I let her in and she kept asking me where we were going. "Miranda, first of all it is a surprise so stop asking. Second of all let me see your face." I wanted to see if she was wearing that makeup crap. "Okay why" she said at once. "I want to make sure u don't have that makeup junk covering up your beauty." "Ugh Jacob" she whined. "Face now!" I demanded she came over and I noticed she had on something called mascara on, which I thought would just poke your eyeball out, and she had {gasp} concealer on. Man how I really hate concealer. What is there for her to conceal. She is perfect! "Miranda?" I said. "Yes Jacob?" Miranda replied. "Why do u put on makeup. Listen to me. Your beautiful with and without makeup and never let anyone change you or tell u different. You really don't need makeup BC ur perfect just the way you are! Please promise me you will stop worrying about your appearance BC your...your BEAUTIFUL!" I blurted out. "Idk Jacob. Makeup covers what I hate about myself up." Miranda said. "How can u hate anything about you. Your perfect... Just the way you are." Miranda blushed from that comment and I couldn't help it anymore. I picked up her chin and gently kissed her lips. I've been waiting to do that for, forever and tonight is the night. I got instant sparks in my stomach.

Miranda's P.O.V:
Jacob was telling me about how I shouldn't wear makeup and what he was saying about me being beautiful gave me a warm feelings inside. Next thing I know Jacob is picking up my chin and he pressed his lips against mine. I didn't pull away. The Sparks in my stomach were unexplainable. I felt like there were fireworks going off in my stomach. I never wanted this night to end. Then after we pulled away, Jacob and I both looked eachother in the eyes and smiled. "Miranda will you do me the honor of being my girlfriend?" Jacob asked I was shocked. I'm thinking on pranking him somehow. "No Jacob" I said at once. His facial expressions changed.

Jacob's P.O.V:
"Miranda will you do me the honor of being my girlfriend?" I said in the blink of an eye. Miranda stood there as if she was thinking about something and every second I waited my heart beated faster and faster. "No Jacob" she blurted out. My heart sank. "OF COURSE I WILL JACOB" she then yelled and jumped into my arms. Omg this girl. At least I got the girl of my dreams and I can finally call her mine! This is the best night ever and I don't want it to end. We canceled our dinner reservations and she stayed the night at my house. I seriously love this girl so much and if anything happens to her I would be devastated!

Miranda's P.O.V:
I love Jacob with my whole heart and I will never let him go❤️

Jacob's P.O.V: (again)
I love Miranda with my whole heart and I will never let her go❤️

(Authors note:
We made it to over 1,000 words. Holy SCHNITZLES!! Let's get the reads up and plz vote on my story and please read. Love y'all, Miranda💋

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