Chapter9~ Trouble?!

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Miranda's P.O.V;
I woke up in Jacob's arms. I was facing him, and he looked so peaceful and he looked so cute. I tried to get up, but Jacob's grasp on my waist was too strong. "Babe, stay with me and cuddle." Jacob pleaded. "Jacob I need to pee, please let me go." I giggled. "Fine, just this once!" Jacob grinned. I got up and went to the bathroom and did my business and then hopped in the shower. I forgot to bring extra clothes in the bathroom BC I told Jacob I was just going to the bathroom, so I wrapped a towel around my body and tip-toed out to my dresser. As I was walking to my dresser, the wood floor made a creaking noise and Jacob shot up! "Oh great. Now what am I going to do" I thought. "Miranda, why are you in a towel and not in clothes?" Jacob smirked. "Because I ended up getting in the shower and I forgot to bring clothes in there, so I have to come out here to grab some and I thought you would be asleep still and yeah." I said all in one breath. "Oh I see!" Jacob giggled. "Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to get some clothes and change." I laughed. "Okay!" Jacob exclaimed. I grabbed a white crop top, with my light wash denim jeans. I've got to admit I look good. I went into the bathroom and put my hair into a messy bun, and did my everyday makeup which consisted of mascara and a little bit of Chapstick. I came out of the bathroom and found Jacob asleep again. He looked so peaceful, so I decided just to lay next to him. I did and when I did Jacob wrapped his arms around me, and I felt butterflies. I swear, Jacob makes me fall in love with him again every day! I just love him!❤️

Jacob's P.O.V;
Miranda just makes me fall in love with her all over again every day. I wouldn't want to be with anyone else. If this is what true love feels like, I can definatley tell Miranda is the ONE for me! I just love her!❤️

Sorry I haven't updated in a while. My schedule has been pretty hectic. Love you all!💘Miranda💋

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2016 ⏰

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