Chapter: 7

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>>>>>>>>>>And the story Continues<<<<<<<<<

          The cut across her throat disappeared, leaving the floors cleaned and my clothes cleaned of her blood. I shuddered as Grandma's hands folded across her stomach and as a small smile appeared across her face. Then the force was gone, and I slipped onto the floor in a heap of sorrow and misery. I stared at her body and a few more tears that I didn't think I had, slipped onto my cheeks.

          For some reason, I found myself rising up, and walking into her room. My body seemed to work faster than my brain as I grabbed one of the photo albums stacked on the top of Grandma Margaret's closet. Her last word kept repeating over and over again in my head, "Photo". I had half a mind to call the police, or even David, but my body was too occupied in doing what it had to do first. My mind was a mess of jumbled thoughts.

          I opened up to a random page and gasped, my mind finally sharpening. There I saw Sarah, a grin on her face while her hand was around my mom's neck. I looked closer. 'Mom didn't wear a gold chain.... But Grandma Margaret did.' I took in a deep breath as I realized that young Grandma Margaret looked exactly like my mother.

          Then something slipped out of the album. It was a letter to Marlyn, well Sarah:

Dear Mary,

          It is I, your dearest friend Margaret. I have come to oppose your new friendships with the Lukanster boys. They show no respect to beautiful girls like us both. It is evident that they only want your attention, and you seem to be giving them what they want. I simply must disagree with your methods. The games and tricks that you people have been playing in the forest are beginning to give me a fright. I had heard, from Lucy Green, that you and those hooligans were, how they say, "summoning demons" in the forest when you should have been at school. I am threatened by your willingness to go against your father's preaching's of the bible, to have fun with your "demons". Please, I may not ask anything more than, please come back to me Mary. Let us grow up together and forget these differences that have separated us for this brief time period. And I refuse to accept the gift you had given me for your so called, "protection". The broken piece of glass has no meaning to me, except as proof that you and those hooligans had been drinking stolen beer.


Margaret Adams

          I closed the album and folded the letter into my back pocket. I felt the tears swell up in my eyes. I walked into the living room and stared down at Grandma. I bent down and touched the round pendant that hung on by the chain and wasn't surprised when it opened, revealing a black broken piece of glass. I grabbed it and scrutinized it as I stood above her. I then unhooked my locket and wrapped it around her neck.

          Right before I could burst out crying David ran inside the room, took one look at Grandma Margaret, grabbed me tightly and cried. Seconds later Sarah stepped into the room. Her gasp sent a chill through my spine causing me to lift my face from David's chest. I glared at her with all of the strength left within me. She stared back at me; her face frozen in shock, and then for just a split second, there was a twitch of her lip. That was enough to set me off.

          I lunged at her throat letting a growl escape my mouth. Sarah screamed in horror and her hands quickly moved up to protect her face. She almost fell backwards while trying to get away from me. I felt myself stop in midair and began to scream violently while trying to get out of David's arms. "What is wrong with you-".

          "You killed her! You killed Grandma Margaret! How dare- How dare you... you... You witch! Did you think that you could come into our home, acting like a normal person and dating my brother? You're dating my brother! Do you see what you have done? I swear on my life that I will kill you before you destroy what is left of my family! I promise", I spat out at her before I slipped out of David's arms and collapsed onto my knees.

          Sarah just laughed. Even David was looking at her with a puzzled expression. "Bravo! Bravo!" She applauded me, a grin on her face. "Well, aren't you cute? You? Destroy me? Ha! Very funny". David made an effort to get up, but was pushed against the wall, by nothing other than the invisible force that had once lifted me. "I still don't get why you're doing this, Marlyn. I thought you and Grandma Margaret were frien-".

          "Friends? Were you just about to say friends? Well, no, no, no dear. I have never met your Grandmother before. Maybe the young lady who had accidentally given me her body had, but me? Nope."

          'Given her 'her body'? Was this what Grandma Margaret was talking about? Was Sarah a demon?' She walked over to David, who was writhing while pressed against the wall, his feet, were three feet above the ground. "I had so much fun with you. I'm only a bit sorry that I will have to kill you now", she said, stroking his chin. "A bit".

          A scream, like nails on chalkboard, escaped her throat. Her head arched back and her body jerked forward and back. The muscles in her body were growing and were sticking out in weird angles. Her body lifted off of the ground as two twisted brown horns grew out of her head. Her hands twitched crazily and her feet twisted at awkward angles. And then she fell to the floor, landing on her feet.

          She stood up slowly and grinned. The black had engulfed her whole eye, leaving two black holes in her head. Her face twisted at weird angles as pin-like teeth began to grow through her gums. She walked slowly towards me, her fingers twitching as longs and twisted fingernails began to grow out of her hands. I shook violently with fear as she approached, which seemed to amuse her. So much so, that she began to laugh, her voice deep and darkened. Her tongue slipped out of her mouth and split into two, a black liquid began to slide out of her mouth. Her hair dragged downward, this time, fitting her as she walked closer, her back arched and her head turned upward. She looked like a spider.

          "Well, eenie meanie miny mo, catch a lady by the toe. If she hollers, her fear would grow. Eenie meanie miny mo!" She sped up towards me. I let out a scream as her hands fastened around my neck, pinning me to the wall. "You first!" She hissed. I squirmed in her hands, screaming wildly as my vision grew blurry. The only thing in my hand was the black glass that I had obtained from Grandma Margaret's necklace. I could hear David screaming from his place on the wall. 'Well, here goes nothing'. I pushed the small glass piece up against her, and she screamed once more, letting me out of her grasp.

          I fell to the floor and had to blink a few times before realizing what I had done. From where the glass was wedged, a sand hole formed, slowly turning her into dust from the inside out. Sarah looked down at herself and back at me, her eyes turning scarlet. "If I go", she said in her darkened voice, "You go with me!" She sped toward me and shoved her twisted nails into my body. There was a scream, and I was not sure if it was my own. All I knew was that I had slipped into darkness.

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