Chapter 5

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It's been days since I last saw him, which didn't make it easier for my pondering brain. I couldn't sleep without thinking about what he was doing or if he was thinking of me too.  

It was nighttime and I was lying on my bed, the same way I had for the past few nights. And thinking of David. 

Something seemed off about him though. I thought back to the last encounter I had with him. The only encounter I had with him. Apparently, I reminded him of someone he used to know, but doesn't remember. I shivered. Given the circumstances, that really put me on edge.

Then there was a sound. No wait, music. And it was coming from outside my window. It sounded like someone was playing guitar. Was it....

I threw the covers back and ran blindly up to my window. I stared downward, and there he was. He was just sitting there, playing his guitar intently. I turned quickly and turned on my light. I slipped on my slippers and checked myself out in the mirror to see if I looked at least a little presentable. 

I turned back towards the window to make sure he was still there. My heart was beating quickly and my palms became sweaty. Then all of a sudden, as I looked out the window, my heart stopped.

David was still there, strumming away. But there was a girl. No, not a girl. A woman? She seemed around his age. She was standing weirdly. Her body was bent but her head was raised upward. From afar, it seemed as if she was inching towards him. She didn't look natural. 

David didn't seem to know she was there, which put me on edge. It seemed as if she was sneaking up on him and that didn't sit right in my gut. I had a bad feeling about her. She got closer to him and closer and I just stood there and watched. Then she stopped.

I could see her a little clearer now as she straightened herself up. She looked to be a foot away from David. She was wearing a long black cloak-like garment and her hair was in big curls that fell over her shoulders. Her hands were still by her sides.

Then she started moving again. Well, only one hand moved. She raised her right arm and it seemed as if she shoved it inside of her stomach, the way she doubled over. She looked like she was in pain. She obviously wasn't making any sounds because David was still playing his guitar intently, as if she wasn't there.

Maybe I was just seeing things. Maybe David wasn't there and she wasn't there and this was just a dream. I must've fallen asleep while thinking about David.

The girl pulled something out of her gut and raised it in the air over David's head. It looked like.... Like a...


My eyes widened with realization. She was going to kill David. I wanted to scream, but I didn't want her to know that I was watching or she might attack me next. Or Mom. Or Grandpa. I stood there mouth open, and hyperventilating, not knowing what to do next. 

Her arm was frozen over his head. She slowly, turned her head upward, and her eyes landed on me. 

My breath caught in my throat. I couldn't move. She smiled and something like blood was dripping from her mouth. She looked like a demon. Was she a demon?

She started shaking. Wait, no. Laughing. That was all it took to wake me from my paralysis. I screamed while banging on my window, "DAVID! RUN! SHE'S GOING TO KILL YOU! RUN!"

He didn't hear me. He just kept strumming his guitar. She laughed harder and brought her arm down slowly. She was torturing me. She wanted me to see this. I screamed louder, "DAVID! TURN AROUND! SHE'S GOING TO KILL YOU! RUN!"

I couldn't even recognize my own voice anymore. I just kept banging on my window and praying to God that he'd hear me. While the girl demon slowly lowered her arm. My bedroom door banged open and in ran my mother, my grandpa right behind her.

"Jen! Jen! What's wrong? Who's trying to hurt you" my mom asked frantically searching the room. I turned quickly from the window and tried to slow down my breathing. 

Grandpa stepped into the room and stared at me with concern in his eyes. I didn't know what to do. Should I tell the truth?

"Nothing. Nothing" I walked towards my bed. "I must've been sleep walking. I had a nightmare. That's all".

"Shit Jen! I thought someone was in here. I thought.." My mom looked relieved but she was shaking. 

"I guess I can go back to bed now", Grandpa said while leaving the room.

After he left, my mom turned towards me and asked one more time, "Are you telling me the truth?" I didn't want to lie to her, but she'd never believe me if I told her. I'd just get into trouble. She didn't want me talking about stuff like this. 

"Yeah. Yeah, I am".

My mom looked at me one more time before shaking her head and leaving the room. 

I took a deep breath. That was close. They could have found out. 

They could have...

I slowly turned towards the window and looked outside. Nothing. Just like I thought. There was no one there. 

I turned off the light and i jumped backwards onto my bed. I took several deep breaths. Did that really just happen? I covered myself with the covers and closed my eyes tightly. I wish I could forget her face, but I can't. It was so terrible. 

She's back

I heard the ghostly whisper before I could even register what was going on. I stayed quiet and kept listening. I was trembling with fear.

When we came back, she followed

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