Will has a brother named Cole. He is ten years older than Will and tries to find Will when they get separated. But he gets caught up in more ways than he can imagine on the journey to put his family back together. Cover by the amazing @BananaBam03
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AN: This is what I picture Cole to look like. I find it impossible to picture the face of characters in books, so here you have it, but Cole has brown hair. And sorry for the Wattpad picture above, I can't delete it.
Cole awoke to the sound of marching feet and pounding horse hooves. He quickly bounded out of his straw bed and tripped over his clothes in the rush to his window. The shutters flew open and he looked outside in anticipation.
Had the time finally come? Is the war finally over? Can I finally leave this dreadful place?
He could only see the almost empty street. Nothing stirred but the occasional passerby, looking around to see where the noise was coming from. They didn't have to wait long to find out. The tired knights came tramping around the corner and through the town square. They should have stayed in formation until the commanding officer gave them the okay to separate to their families, but they were tired and desperate to see their loved ones who didn't know if they were dead or alive.
Cole smiled. He hurriedly changed from his pajamas into his daily clothing and snuck outside, not wanting to wake his Uncle or Aunt. He had lived with them temporarily during the war against Lord Morgarath, and he hated it. They seemed to return the feeling. They didn't hardly have enough money to feed themselves, let alone him, so he had to work around town to feed himself. Mostly he worked with the baker in delivering fresh goods, or the innkeeper in cleaning the rooms. But he wouldn't have to do that for much longer, because the war was finally over!
He watched in delight as a mother came running out in earnest search of her husband. They found each other and he ran to her, dropped his bags, and lifted her off the ground in a huge hug. He swung her in circles until a young daughter begged for his attention. Cole knew the family well. It was Miss Juliet Softstringer, whom he had babysat for several times when she had to visit her sick mother in the west.
Being only ten years old, he couldn't do it all himself, but Miss Softstringer took pity on him and payed him for doing the housework and entertaining her daughter while she was away. He knew his father wouldn't be returning to this fief, but Cole still felt lighthearted at the knowledge that he could go home. He was so happy that he went back inside to prepare breakfast for his unloving Uncle Brandulen.