Chapter 1

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I sat on the edge of bed smiling, while listening to Jack talk over the phone. My boyfriend. "Why are you up so late? Don't you have to go to school tomorrow?" I asked.

"Yes, but I wanted to hear your voice before I go to sleep." He responded softly speaking. "And my class starts at 12 pm, ill be okay.

"At 11pm though?" I giggled.

"Hahaha I can't sleep, stay up with me?" he asked.

"Su-"I stopped as my mom entered the room.

"I need to talk to you, come into the living room." She said, with a worried look on her face. I shook my head okay.

"I'm sorry, but my mom told me she's needs to talk to me. I'll call you after. Okay?"

"Okay..." he paused. "I'll be waiting," he sighed.

" I love you." I said before hanging up. I sat my phone on my desk next to my laptop, then walked towards the living room. When I entered the room a man, whom I've never met was sitting close to my mom as they talked. "Hmm." I said getting their attention.

"Oh yes, please come in." She said.

"Hi. I am Luzandres Sang. You can just call me Lu if it's too complicated." He joked. Interesting name.

" I'm Luzandra, or Lulu." I said sitting in the living chair next to the couch my mom and Luzandres were sitting in. "Not to be rude or anything but what are you doing here?" I asked.

"Well something important." He looked at my mom, she looked at me and I looked at them.

"What's....what's going on?"

"Lulu, there's no other way to tell you this but I'm your father. I am a leader of the SueSang triads."

"What?!" I yelled.

He took off his suit jacket, then rolled up his sleeve revealing a rather strange yet familiar mark on his wrist. I looked down at my arm and realized that we had the same mark. "Yours is the same but symbolizes a different power. "I rapidly turned my head facing him, when he said 'power'

"What do you mean power?!" I asked shocked.

"Lift your arm up to mine." I started at him. "Please." This guy is crazy.

He touched my arm and a light begins to form, next thing I know we both go flying across the room, causing me to hit my head on the wall knocking into the next room. My mom sat on the floor shocked at what she saw, even I was. Soon after I gained a headache causing me to pass out.

The next morning I woke up, Luzandres was leaning on the doorpost looking around.

"What are you doing in here?' I asked, looking at my "power" symbol.

"Making sure nothing happens to you, while you were asleep. There are some things we need to discuss." He unfolded his arms, opening his fist and a giant ditch in my floor appeared about a foot away from my bed.

"What the heck?" I said, backing away as bubbling lava arose from the ditch.

"Levitate." He said. I shook my head no.

"I don't know how to."

"Concentrate. Think about it."

I closed my eyes, and concentrated as he said to do. I felt a huge space between me and my bed, "Whoa.": I said opening my eyes. I watched myself, float through the air. When I was where he was, the ditch disappeared. I ran down the hall, to my mom and tell her what I did but she wasn't in her bed. "Mom?" I yelled out. She didn't answer. "Mom!!!!!' I was trying to yell but it came out as a high pitched scream. "What the hell was that?" I turned around and asked my father.

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