Chapter 5

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Next thing I know, I see nothing black. I fall to the floor and faint. Forbidden? Réplicas? Ultimate power? What the heck? And now he wants to tell me this. Out of protection? Really? Not cool.

I felt a cool break come across my face, as I woke up. My head was on Keith's lap, and my new brother was pacing around the room. My eyes followed him as he made me dizzy from it. "Bruh, stop you're making me dizzy." I stated. He stopped pacing then sighed in relief. "Dude what happen?" I asked.

"You fainted." Luzandres chuckled saying. I looked up at the most beautiful face ever, and smiled.

"Well, it's good to see your fine. And thanks. "He smirked. He's gotta stop reading my mind. I blushed, and he laughed. "And also, you're wrong. You have the beautiful face." He smiled, causing me to grin.

"Oh god, please stop." Luzandres said, as he walked out the room. I rolled my eyes, and sat up.

"Come on, let's go get your something to eat." He said, as he held out his hand to help me up off the floor. I took it and we walked to the kitchen...instead of orbing.

"Let's have pizza. All that information made me crave it." I faked a laugh. I looked down, thought about pizza and looked up to find a large pizza stem before me. "Whoa."

"I told you, you have that power." He said smiling. He grabbed two plates and put a slice on one each for me and him. Three slices later, we were in my room watching a movie. My head on his chest, his arms holding me, and us both smiling. Until I read his mind, on accident.

"I wonder what they were talking about." Then I started thinking about. The possibility of me dying, but I just don't understand the reason why I have to trust Luzandres just to live. But I'm going to have to sooner or later. The truth about my parents that was a trip.

"Do you think mom disappearance was caused because someone killed her?" I asked Keith. His smile dropped to a frown. I tried to read his mind but he had too many thoughts.

"Demons...Jack....I love her...I can't hurt her....tell the truth." Was all I got? I tried to put the pieces together, but I couldn't. "Lulu, there's something I have to tell you." He said looking at his lap. I frowned and listened. "You mother was killed...the day you left the earth realm. I'm so sorry. I wanted to tell you, but I thought that your brother should have told you. I didn't want to-"

"Wait so you knew?" I cut him off, trying to yell. "About everything?" I lifted my head from his chest and got off my bed and stood in a spot.

His face was full of sadness and regret. "Now I'm going to lose her." He thought.

I was angry that he didn't tell me. I was angry that he lied. I was angry because I thought I could trust him. Now he's afraid to loose me? Phh, should have thought about that earlier.

"I had a vision that I would meet you. Fall for you. Then lose you. Because of this. But I ignored it, so I could try to change the outcome but I guess I can't. Lulu I'm very sorry I didn't tell you, but it was my place to. You brother needed to. I would just be there if you needed me." He finished saying as he walked to the other side of the bed, where I was. I understood what he was saying but I still wish he would have told me. It would have been to much better.

Before I could respond someone knocked on the door, I sighed then walked towards the door. I opened the door, it was Luzandres. "Can I come in? We need to finish talking." Oh yes we do.

I opened the door wider and he sat at my desk. "I'll leave." Keith said as he walked towards the door.

"No please, stay." I asked. I might be a little mad at him, but I needed him. He looked at me shocked, so peck his lips and told him I forgive him. He hugged me then sat on my bean bag chair. I closed the door, then sat on the end of my bed. "So, talk."

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