Chapter 4:

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The boys and I have just arrived at the venue for the charity concert. I just texted Dinah to find out where their dressing room is.

Y/N: Hey DJ we are here. Where is your dressing room at dawg?

DJ: Ok first don't steal my thing. Second I will come get you. Where ya at?

Y/N: We are near the entrance. By where the merch is

DJ: Ok I will be there shortly. See ya then dawg

Y/N: See ya then

"Dinah is gonna come get us." I tell the boys.

"Cool. So Y/N/N how do you like your birthday so far?" Beau asks.

"It's the best one ever. First I get to see my favorite band live. I also got to see my best friends again!"

"Awww I feel the love." a voice says from behind me.

"Hey D." The boys and I say in unison going to give her a hug.

"Hey don't forget about me." says another voice.

"How could we ever forget you shorty." Skip says to Ally giving her a hug as well.

"Thanks. Now how about we head back to our dressing room and hang with the rest of the girls till show time? And if you guys want you can watch from side stage." Ally says.

"Hell yeah!" I say. Then I feel a slight pain on the back of my head, "Ow what was that for?"

"Language." Ally scolds.

"Haha right. Sorry." I say.

"Let's just go before Y/N gets hurt any more." Jai says.

"Thanks Jai." I say sarcastically. I then feel another slap, "Ok what was that one for?"

"Nothin. I just felt like slapping the back of your head." Jai says.

"Jerk." I mumble under my breath so I don't get hit again.

We finally made it back to the dressing room.

"Hey guys. We're back with a few friends." Ally says.

"Y/N!!!!!!!" Camila screams giving me a koala hug. "I missed you", she mumbles into my shoulder.

"Haha. Hey Mila. I just saw you like 2 hours ago though." I say still holding onto her as I sit on the couch in their dressing room.

"I know. I just like seeing and hugging you."

"Thanks we feel the love Mila." the boys say in unison.

"Damn. You guys have gotten good at that." Normani says getting a light slap from Ally.

"Thanks", the boys and I say in unison.

"Wow they even got Y/N to do it too. Now that's skill." Lauren says.

Meanwhile I still have Mila on me. I swear she is like a koala in a human body. She just isn't as potentially dangerous. Unless you mess with her bananas or bows. Then you are in trouble.

"Anyway. How have you guys been?" Mani asks.

"We all have been ok. Our channel is doing great. We are actually going on tour tomorrow. But sadly we can't bring Y/N. " Beau says getting sad.

"That's great with the tour. But why can't Y/N go?" Lauren asks.

By now I think Mila has fallen asleep. She hasn't move again since I sat down.

"Well considering some of the stuff we do. Our tour manager won't let her come on the tour. They say she is to young." Jai starts.

"So she has to stay at the house, all by herself, till the tour is over. Which won't be for at least 3 months. Not including our European tour which is another month by itself. So 4 months all together." Luke finishes.

"So Y/N will be a house. All by herself. For 4 months?" Ally asks.

"Yup" We all say. All the girls share a look, including Mila who woke up. Then Ally excuses herself for a few minutes.

"Well speaking of tours how's the 7/27 tour going?" I ask.

"Great. Today is actually a day off. Tomorrow tour starts up again. And Cimorelli is joining the tour." Ally answers as she come back into the room with a huge smile on her face.

"Please tell me they said yes." Mila exclaims jumping off my lap. While I am still in shock that my best friends are going on tour with my fave band.

"Yes they did." Ally says. Then all the girls start jumping up and down screaming.

"Would someone like to tell us what is going on?" Luke says.

"Well we thought that since we are still on tour and our show is a little more for Y/N age. We thought why not see if she can come join us on tour!" Dinah says still umping up and down.

I have a shocked look on my face while Beau starts to speak,

"So what you are saying is Y/N is allowed to go on tour with you guys?" They all nod.

"That's great. So what do you say Y/N/N. You ok with going on tour with Fifth Harmony?" Luke asks.

I then feel a sudden pain on the back of my head waking me up from my shocked state.

"OF COURSE I WANT TO GOT ON TOUR WITH YOU GUYS!!!!" I exclaim jumping off of the couch to give the girls a group hug, " And ow that hurt Jai. You didn't have to hit me in the same spot I already got hit twice on."

"Hey at least you got up." Jai says.

"Girls 10 minutes till show time." Their manager Janelle says. " And Y/N nice to have you on the tour." She says with a big smile.

"Thanks to you I am. Thank you soooo much Janelle. You are the best."

'No problem kid. Just think of it as my birthday present. Happy birthday."

"Haha thanks."

"Alright well we got to go get mic'd up. See ya after the show Y/N." Lauren says as she walks by me giving me a hug followed by the other girls.

"Wow Y/N. At least we don't have to worry about you burning the house down while we aren't there." Skip says

"Please I am not you 4." I say as I walk out the room towards the stage.

"Hey! What's that supposed to mean?" They say together.

I just laugh. Man I am sure gonna miss those guys. But hey I get to go on tour with my best friends and my fave band. This is officially the best birthday ever.

A/N: Hey guys. This is a special update in honor of #4yearsof5h #7/27tour and #WorthItto1billion. But I do plan on getting better at updating more often. I have had a bit of writers block lately.

But please let me know if you like this story or even if you want me to continue it at all. Your guys' feedback will help e make a better story for you all. Thanks for reading. Hope you enjoy.

And if you want a relationship with one of the girls let me know who you want.



The Unknown Cimorelli (Cimorelli/ Fifth Harmony/ You) [Wattys 2017]Where stories live. Discover now