Ch. 13: Its Worth A Shot

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Lauren C POV (before you get back)
My sisters and I had all just finished showering so we were on our way to the bus. I put the code in and opened the door for us all to get in.

I stopped dead in my tracks when I saw 4 big tall guys with masks on and one guy without one. My sisters bumped into me and stopped as well.

"Umm... can we help you?" Dani asked.

"Yea actually you can. You can help me get revenge on Y/N ." The guy without the mask said. He looks familiar.

"Wait how do you know Y/N? What's your name?" I ask.

"Let's just say we were family a while back. I never liked her. She ruined everything for me. She ruined my family. I tried to get rid of her but that landed me in jail. Which I recently got out of." Wait I know him that's James. He used to be with Y/N and her foster family.

"Ok then if she did that what's the point in getting her back... James." I ask.

"Ooh we got a smart one here don't we. Figuring out who I am. You look just like Y/N." he says coming closer. "Too bad I hate her."

"Ok then what does you being here to get Y/N have to do with us?" I ask slowly backing away.

"Well you see I know how much family means to Y/N, mostly because I was apart of hers, so if you all are gone she will have no choice than to come get you from me. Thus bringing her right to me." James nods his head and the guys all come and grab us.

"Hey you can't do this." We scream trying to get out of their grips.

"I can and I just did. Night night." He sprays something on my face and darkness consumes me.

Please help us Y/N.

Your POV
That asshole is gonna pay for messing with my family. I get off my spot on the couch and run to the back. The girls are following me.

"All right here's the plan. I'm gonna meet him at the pier. You girls are gonna be hidden around but with your guns ready so we can stop him if he try's anything. Just please be ready for anything. If they end up hurting one of you. He will die." I say as I pass out their guns that I kept in my bag.

"We will Y/N just please be careful. If we lost you we don't know what we'd do. Please be safe." Ally says pulling me into a tight hug.

"I will Als. I promise to all of you. You know how much you girls mean to me." I pull the rest of them into the hug with Ally and I. I feel my shirt getting wet and I can tell they're crying.

"It's ok guys we did this once before we can do it again." I say rubbing Lauren and Dinah's back since the others are in between us.

"Yea but we had the guys with us last time." Normani says sniffling.

"Yea, but I have faith in us to stop him. If James was really family he never would have done this. We will stop him once and for all. It's worth a shot for us to at least try."

We sit there for a few more minutes just holding on to eachother. I look at my watch to see it's almost 10.

"Girls we gotta go now." I say pulling away. They wipe their tears and load their guns ready to go. They can go from sad to serious in seconds.

"Let's go." They all say. Their voices filled with determination.

*Time skip to 10 o'clock at the peir**

We just arrived at the pier. I see James off in the distance. My sisters are behind him.

"James" I say as I walk up to him.

"Y/N" he tries to stand tall but I am somehow now taller than him. Not but much but still taller, "I see you've grown."

"Yup and I will still kick your ass." I say threateningly.

"We'll see about that." He says. He reaches behind him and grabs something. As he is doing that I put my hand on my gun in the back of my jeans.

"Don't do something you'll regret." I tell him.

"How could I regret it if it's what I want to happen?" He says smirking.

Then everything happened so fast.

James pulled out a gun. I was fast and shot hitting him in the stomach. I didn't even realize he had gotten a shot off, let alone 2. He shot me in my stomach and my arm. I fell to the ground hearing my sisters and 5H yelling.

"Call 911!!! Quick!!" Is the last thing I hear before darkness consumes me.

A/N: Heyy soooo.... what do you guys think about the story? Let me know what you guys think also if you have any ideas for the story. I would love to hear them.

Please give me some kind of feedback as to if you like the story or not.

Thanks for reading


The Unknown Cimorelli (Cimorelli/ Fifth Harmony/ You) [Wattys 2017]Where stories live. Discover now