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Warning: More sexual content.

The car came to a halt in the parking lot of a Walmart and the engine was turned off. Sometime during the ride here, Erik had slipped his hand back onto my thigh, caressing it ever-so-gently. And now that we were parked, he unbuckled himself and leaned over, his other hand meeting my hip. His honeycomb eyes devoured my own with dominance and before he spoke, his tongue dragged across his bottom lip teasingly slow, "that deal I just made doesn't restrain me from touching you, right?"

His proximity has me breathless and nervous, so I shake my head 'no' in response. At that, his lips twitch into a subtle smirk, and a lustful light sparks in his eyes. His plump lips part, glistening with wetness, "can I kiss you?"

  My heart raps wildly in my chest and I gulp, my cheeks flushed. Even though my lips part, nothing comes out and Erik is still impatiently waiting, his fingers squeezing my hip. So, I stick with the same form of communication I previously used, and nod again. Slowly, he inches closer, and I shut my eyes in anticipation. First, I feel his nose softly graze mine, and then his silky lips touch mine just barely before he pulls away again, teasing me. My tongue dips out and I savor the taste of his saliva that'd accumulated on my lips from his, and moan, my eyes fluttering in bliss. The rough pads of his fingertips drift closer to my sensitive core, sending goosebumps down my legs. With eyes still closed, I lean in to try and catch his lips but he pulls away again, and I let out an involuntary whine. I don't like being teased, so, I rake my fingers through his hair and then forcefully push him toward me, but still, he dodges my lips. I groan with a pout, "kiss me...please."

A chuckle vibrates in his chest and with my eyes closed, I can still picture the smirk on his face right now. His lips meet my jaw, kissing it gently, but his hands had a different plan, grasping onto me roughly. His mouth and hands are speaking two different languages and it was driving me crazy. My hips buck in desperate need to feel his fingers and he simultaneously bites softly on my neck, making a moan escape my lips. Another chuckle vibrates through him and transfers into me, causing me to shiver excitedly, "that's all I wanted to hear."

  His lips are suddenly on mine, sucking and biting on my bottom lip, then invading my mouth with his drenched tongue. My fingers tug on his hair roughly and he counteracts by applying harsh pressure to my covered sex. Darting my tongue into his mouth, I open my legs even wider to him, egging him on to continue. He does and begins to unbutton and zip down my high-waisted shorts, but before he can dive his hand down there, I slam my thighs shut and detach my lips from his.

What the hell was I thinking? Getting off in a Walmart parking lot? That's a huge no-no. "Erik, we can't. We're at Walmart."

He arrogantly rolls his eyes and then shoves his face into my neck, indulging my skin. I have to bite my lip to hold back moans as he sucked in the perfect spot, preparing to leave his mark. "Eriiiiiiik," I whine, tugging on his hair to try and get him loose, "we can't. This is the place where everybody comes in the middle of the night when they need shit. Someone will see us."

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