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Sexual content ahead

  "He dribbles, he dodges the 6-foot point guard, and look at this, he's going for a slam dunk!" Erik goofily narrates himself as he dribbles up to the basketball hoop. I giggle and cheer along with him like his number one fan, exploding with hoots as he perfectly swishes the ball into the net and hangs his shirtless lean body from the rim. His hair still drips steady droplets of water down his bare back and mine is pulled back in a wet sloppy bun. I wear nothing but his white t-shirt. Which we managed to dry off with one of the hand blow dryers located in the boys' locker room. The rest of our clothes hang from the opposite basketball hoop, airdrying.

  Erik continues to dribble, throwing in tricks here and there as he heads my way. He looks like the epitome of a male model as he comes my way. More specifically, an underwear model, because all he wears is a pair of black briefs. I could drool at the sight of him, and I practically was. I'm head over heels fawning for him and it made me want to smack myself across the face. Snap out of it, Alice.

  When he reaches me he collapses on the gym mat where I rest, desperately trying not to skim through my phone's newest notifications. I know what they'll hold. Furious texts and voicemails left from London; I'm still not prepared to face them—or him. So I distract myself with Erik, crawling closer to him.

I feel like a user. Because I am. Erik is merely a distraction. A scapegoat to ease my thoughts and mind. And my body is his release. An inch of hope for something I otherwise can't provide.

"You can't fall for me, Erik," my fingers graze his bicep, eyes devouring the revealed vein on it. I need a distraction. But I couldn't look him in the face. His caramel eyes bore in and searched my heart, making me feel things I didn't want to. So, I admire his body and nothing more.

  He doesn't respond to my interjection but I feel his eyes follow my every movement. And there's no hesitation when I push to roll him over on his back and climb onto his torso. My palms run down his chest to his waistline, feeling every hill and valley carved from muscle. The heat rises to my head and then drops to my pelvis as Erik's hands grasp onto my hips, arousing a heavy breath from me. I take no more than a second to dip my head and make contact with my lips to his skin. Placing lustful kisses down his abs, I rotate my hips against his groin, putting friction between the thin fabrics that barricade us from each other.

When my lips reach his waistband my teeth latch onto it, dragging it down his hips. I feast my eyes on every part of him exposed to me but never stray too far up to meet his face. With one lick, I have him in the palm of my hands and moaning out for more. A distraction well devised.

• • •

  In the tangled mess of our bodies, Erik found his way on top and plastered his body to mine as our heated bodies collided together. Moans were raging out of me like wildfire and my eyes were rolled back to the ceiling. Erik's lips are on my neck, nipping and sucking as he rolls his hips into me. I'm left breathless and begging. Never wanting this to stop. But as I feel my body begin to pulse and quake, Erik slows his pace. His thumb puts soft pressure on my throat while his other fingers wrap around into my hair, gripping it.

Lips floating over lips, he mutters, "look at me." And just to make a point, his other hand hoists my leg over his hip, allowing him to get into a position that pushed him even further within me. I gasp, my back arching and head tilted back.

The ceiling is an intricate design of metal beams and my eyes lock on a bright green shuttlecock caught in them. The little object keeps me from succumbing to the war in my mind to look at Erik and let him devour my body and heart. But Erik isn't one to back down from a challenge and I soon realized that hopping into his car after. And the game isn't fair, cause he knows exactly how to get to a girl's head by going between her thighs.

  "Alice, look at me," the ragged breaths did nothing to hide the emotional distraught behind it. With a single rotation of his hips, he has me unable to focus on the bright green and gripping onto his body for dear life. When I finally look into his eyes, it's like every piece of me slowly molds into him and he knows every secret and thought I've tried to stay hidden.
I want to be free—and he made me feel like a bird soaring high in the sky. But I'm a bird already spiraling to the ground.

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