Poisoned Air

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The Biosemy evolve and did something very deadly. It poisons the air, it makes people die from the deadly air.

We quikly grab towels to cover our mouth. We quikly go get a breathing mask to cover our nose and mouth.

We are safe from the air, everytime we drink or eat we have to hold our breath

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We are safe from the air, everytime we drink or eat we have to hold our breath. This is not bad.

Mac studied the air, he needs time. I look outside the window, the wall's glass roof was finish, they are safe from the flyers, they are even safe from the wall.

Its like nothing can break it. Then I saw fat zombies walking towards the wall. Then many zombies go towards the wall and the zombies climb on each other.

I dont know why there doing that, the glass is bullet proof, they cant break it

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I dont know why there doing that, the glass is bullet proof, they cant break it. The people inside doesnt worry about them.

The zombies make like a ladder for the fat zombies, the fat zombies walk around at the top. I am just watching them walking around the glass.

There were a lot of fat zombies, then boom! They explode. I dint expect that, the poisoned air get in and kills people.

I suddenly pack up some weapons to go help them. 9 of my men join, we go to help.

We run to the house of Admin's house, we saw his men that there allready zombies, they t i shoot them and continue to his room.

Hes there and he come with us, We are running to the exit as we open it, there were many. We heard a copter right in the roof top.

We go to the roof top and ride the copter. Then I ask where my father is. Admin answerd that he allready turn into one of them.

Tom: how?

Admin: by saving me from the dead.

I was sad, he is allready gone. The copter land at my safe house. Survivors on the copter stay on the building.

We are safe, we look at the veiw from the roof top, there were many of zombies then we feel the ground moving, we saw a Titan.

We quikly hide inside. We are safe for now, I ask Mac from his study.

Mac: Well the Biosemy evolve to kill humans when they breath, and I discover that the air can poison you and make you turn into a zombie.

Tom: ok anything eles?

Mac: Well when someone die, the dead body will turn because of the air and the virus is evolving slower than before.

The virus is slowing down, iy could be a good thing. We dont know what is the Biosemy's next deadly plan but we can handle it, we will always find a way to survive,

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