The Cure

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We are going out the gates tomorow. I sleep beside Jullie.

Tom: wheres Annie?

Jullie: she dint make it from the bomb.

Tom: how about the othet survivors.

Jullie: some survive the bomb but not from the pick up of the helicopters just because of the...

Tom: Flyers.

Jullie: yeah, wheres Admin?

Tom: he dint make it.

Jullie: how did he died?

Tom: .......

Jullie: sorry for asking.

Tom: no its fine, get ready for tomorow.

Jullie: yeah.

Its morning and I allready heard people outside shouting and they are trowing bottles, rocks and more inside the gates.

We ride a copter and heading very far away. I look down the copter and someone shoot, it shoot the copters blade so we are crashing.

We crashed in the ground and many people is coming in our way. We shoot and they throw rocks.

Jack grab an RPG and fire. The people exploded and so we run. Wile running we shoot, then Jullie got hit from the stone.

I go back to her and carry her. James block me from his sheild. We hide in a building. We scout the area and I heard cracking bones.

As James open the door, there was a zombie and attack him. James hold it from the neck and I smash its head.

James: really? Blood on my face.

Then General call from the radio and told us something.

General: hello Tom are you there?

Tom: Yeah, you said there are no zombies here.

General: I guess there are zombies for those people that did not get the cure. People that got the cure will not worry about the zombies since they will not harm them and infect them.

Tom: ok anything eles.

General: you should be careful once you get in the lab. There are scientist's trap there for weeks, they might have starve to death and turn into a zombie.

Jack: ok we are on our way now.

We get out the in the building and quietly walk to the lab. We saw the lab, guarded by people.

Sam throw a grenade at the building for destraction. The bomb explode and people go to the explotion.

We run to the door from the lab and open it then a zombie jump to me and bite my arm, Jack shoot the zombie.

We run to the door from the lab and open it then a zombie jump to me and bite my arm, Jack shoot the zombie

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People heard the noise and found us. They run to us, James pull me inside and close the door.

James: Tom, Tom, are you okay,

Tom: oh crap.

James: what what is it.

Tom: it bit me, im infected, kill me now.

Sam: no, no, no, your going to be okay, we will get the cure.

Jullie: yes Tom, we will fix this, its going to take time before you turn.

They go search the cure, they bring me to a bed and stay, Jullie stay with me.

Jullie: your going to be okay I promise.

I feel weak, I feel tired, I feel hot, im sweating. Jullie is trying to talk to me but I cant here her well, I cant see properly.

Then a bright light infront of Jullie, it takes me somewhere up. Its foggy, I saw someone, its my parents.

Dad: Son, you cant give up, you too much things to do before ypu die.

Mom: I miss you so much but your father is right, you are to young to die and look at you, your just 18, but you fight.

Dad: so son, dont give up, your friends will miss you, especially that girl there.

Dad: so son, dont give up, your friends will miss you, especially that girl there

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Tom: Jullie?

Dad: yes, you dont know how deep her feelings she have for you. So go back there son.

Tom: I will.

Then I woke up and Jullie is screaming to me and I saw many zombies outside the room and my friends are shooting.

Then someone open the door and shoot the zombies, they are the soldiers and they save us, they bring us to the copter and head home.

Tom: do you got the cure?

James: sure did.

Then I was shaking so hard, im crying blood. I heard shouting and told the driver to go faster.

People are shooting us, the soldiers also shoot. We make it, we return to base and they bring me to an operating room, I am shaking hard.

The doctors take off my shirt and there are black lines on my body. They inject the jar of the cure and then they inject me.

Then I calm down and I sleep. I am in my room and staying still.
Jullie ia with me in the room.

Jullie: hey, you ok.

Tom: yeah im fine, what are you doing here anyway.

Jullie: nothing, im just checking on you.

Tom: ok

I stand and Jullie is about to leave then she walk to me and kiss me.

Jullie: thank you for everything you have done to me and the others. We are now the hero of the world all because of you.

Tom: I guess the world will be safe from the virus.

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