Story by Drianex, bla bla bla. It's about zombies, Titans, mutants, Apocalypse, war, and more or something in this story. There might be some wrong spellings or wrong grammars, sorry about that. I don't read after I made it. Enjoy it, Vote, follow m...
The night stalkers climb at the electric fence, then I pull the lever in the tower for power. Then the Night stalker got electrified.
There are many night stalkers outside the fence. They wont go away, it looks like there waiting for us.
Then I saw a fat zombie walking to the fence. I yell to James, Admin and his three men to climb up the tower.
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Tom: climb here! Climb up!
Admin: what!
James: he want us to climb because the zombies will explo....
The fat zombie explode and the night stalkers are running towards them, James and the others climb to the tower.
One of our men has been drag down the tower and eat him without killing him directly.
Tom: they eat before they think.
Then they continue climbing up until to the top. Admin make it first then our two men. Then James climb and I grab his arm.
Then the night stalker grab his foot and then Admin shoot the night stalker. James made it, while the night stalker still continue climbing.
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We shoot down and its getting closer, I have been pulled by the night stalker.Admin pull me up and kick the night stalker, Then Admin has been pulled now.
I cant hold him my team are too busy shooting.
Admin: this is how your father died.
Tom: what?
Admin: we are in my room near the broken glass and he have been pulled, I try to hold him but its not enough so then he let go and told me to protect you.
Then Admin let go and fall, wile falling he open the ring from his grenade and he hit the ground, the zombies eat him, then it explode.
The night stalkers back away and leave, we are still here top from the tower. Then a flyer coming our way James told me to jump from the river, we have no choice so we jump.
Then the flyer grab one of our men and been eaten from the sky. We land in the river and there is a water fall infront of us.
We suddenly fall and hit the water. I cant really see much, I am in the shore with James and our soldier and I saw someone walking to us then I close my eyes and went to sleep.
Wile I was sleeping I heard shooting in a helicopter and I feel someone is shaking me. Then I woke up, I was in the helicopter I look at the window and a flyer trying to open the door.
Then it has been shot by soldiers, and so their captain told us that we are going to Philippines.
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The copter is heading to Philippines were there are no infected people.
We have arive and we have been brought from a lab. Me, James and our guy share some room.
James: yo, whats your name survivor.
Sam: its Sam
Tom: you look like our old freind Mark.
Sam: you know him, he is my brother, where is he?
James: sorry kid, he died protecting us.
Sam: oh...
Tom: sorry for telling you.
Sam: no its fine, I just need to know what happen to him.
Someone call us and bring us to there general. I saw Jullie, Mac and Jack.
General: you know this people?
Tom: yeah we were together.
Then he talk to us about our way in surviving. He told us that there were 95% of the world that has been infected.
The only Country remaining is, Europe, France, Antartica (of course), Japan and Philippines.
Tom: how come this country is not infected, this is the worlds poorest country.
General: Yes! But there is a cure for the infected only in Philippines.
Tom: there is?
General: yes, this is why my men save you because you are the bravest men the people has seen.
Tom: what do you mean? Why do you need brave people.
General: there are no soldiers come back when I send them out there to get the cure.
Tom: the cure is out there not here and I tought no one is infected, why no one can survive there.
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General: because its chaos out there all because of the cure, they are selfish they wont share until they run out and hide from dogs, cat, rats and snakes. I want you and your team to go out there to another science lab where no one can get in the bullet proof wall. I will give you a key for the door, if you suceed, youll getyour reward.
Sam: one question, is there another cure from the other contries.
General: no, we are the only country who has the complete ingredients that only grow here in the Philippines to make a cure.
Sam: ok
General: so, are you going to do this? or go back where they pick you up.