The Dream

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A/N sorry it's been a while I have been procrastinating so hard!! anyway, I want to write another story but I don't know what but if you have any ideas plz tell meh.

I really thought I killed myself until a doctor came in and told me I lost 25% of my blood.

"You have been asleep for three days now" the doctor said

"Crap" I said "It's Sunday now?"

"Yep three whole days" the doctor replied sarcastically.

I look to my right and see two IV's, one with new blood and one with some clear liquid.

"You want to see your parents?" the doctor asked.

"NO" I instantly said

"They are your parents" a voice from the corner said.

"SALLY!!" I exclaimed

The doctor finally left and Sally and I were alone.

"I was really scared" she said.

"I didn't mean to"

"I know sweety. You should have come to me."

"So, what happened to Mary and Tyler?"

"Well, Mary got suspended and said Tyler didn't do anything"

"Ya right"

"No, Mary said it was all her"

"You look tired" Sally said to me "Go back to sleep Lea"

So I did. I had dreams of Tyler and Marry. They were pushing me under water until I couldn't breath.

Then, instead of dying, I woke up in my high school art room. I was sitting there with a blade in my hand. Black, warm blood was dripping from it. The teacher jumped up and yelled at me in some strange language I didn't understand. Then, everyone who has bullied me stood up and walked to me like zombies. They all had long kitchen knifes in their hands.

One by one they stabbed me. But when I looked down at the stab wounds, light was shining from them.

I "woke" up in a bloody bathtub and for some reason I was straitening my hair. The straightener fell in and it started shocking me I woke up for real.

A/N I actually had the dream that Lea just had.. :l please vote comment and tell your friends about my story!

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