The Impervious

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The thin ones, the Impervious, were watching.

I would never be safe from them. They were there, they were always there. The warped, the dead, the undead, whatever the fuck they were. They had been there for as long as I could possibly remember. Before I get into detail about what I am about to explain, I suppose I should tell you my name, but I unfortunately cannot tell anyone my real name. The Impervious will know.

You may call me Laura.

From the very beginning, the Impervious had kept a close watch on me with their empty eyes, or eye sockets (my apologies on jumping a bit ahead of myself). The Impervious are honestly the most absolutely terrifying thing I have ever come across in my entire life.

They are tall, very tall. Their height is so unbelievably inhuman, but they are always hunched over so that they appear to be about four or five feet vertically speaking. The Impervious are very, very thin and bony, with bones nearly protruding from their flesh. They also have white, rough, and sometimes scaly skin. It is very dull and devoid of life.

Their arms are elongated and nearly all bone, along with their legs, but their arms are much greater in their length. They have lengthy nails as well, or claws, which would be a more appropriate term. One claw is always larger and more menacing than the rest that they own. There is no hair whatsoever upon their bodies, other than the top of their head (not even any facial hair). Normally, the hair on the top of the head of an Impervious is very long, messy, and usually straight for the most part. They have long, black, deadly quills laced in the network of their back bones, threatening and possibly their most lethal weapon, other than their claws, and their teeth.

Oh God. Their teeth. Their teeth just might be the main reason for my internal struggles and madness. I can't count how many nightmares I've had just from their teeth alone. My heart is pounding as I am writing this, and goosebumps are beginning to raise, but I must go on. The world must know about these hellish creatures that manage to inhabit our earth.

Their teeth....they take up most of their face. They are sharp, and usually bloody. A sick, terrifying grin is what makes up most of the head of an Impervious, along with a large and thin snake-like ebony tongue. Their lips are black, their nose sunken in and almost showing bones. Their eyes do not exist. A light, glowing soft blue light takes up where their eyes should be, inside the sockets.

The most disturbing thing about them, perhaps, is their legs. The legs of an Impervious are reversed, and their feet are arched up and like a canine or a feline's, with sharp toenails. They smell of death.

In the beginning, the Impervious weren't always in existence. They first originated due to multiple experiments in witchcraft. A young man that had been raised by his Uncle Michael most of his life recently did numerous amounts of countless and endless research, but the main research had been passed down for a few generations onto him. The man's name I can tell you, but only his first name. He calls himself Darius. He discovered what makes the Impervious tick, and almost pinned down exactly what they truly are and how they were fully created. What a fool.

They were not created by science. They were mostly created using necromancy.

What kind of science could possibly create a hellish monster like an Impervious? It is simply impossible. Perhaps a scientist, or maybe even multiple scientists could perform multiple procedures and experiments on a human being or other animal to make them appear to be like one, but there just is no way that one could possibly fully resemble and have the personality and abilities of a true Impervious.

First off, the Impervious do not have any genitals, nor do they have nipples or bellybuttons. They have no creases or "imperfections" in or on their body, other than bones sticking out. They cannot reproduce by normal scientific and humanistic, animalistic ways. They cannot have sexual intercourse with sexual organs of their own, for they have none. Whether or not they have sexual desires is a complete mystery, since they do not speak.

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