It gets worse

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    One day Jose seemed to change once again,though this was a change I couldn't even began to see coming.
  During our class lecture on jobs Jose leaned up to my ear and whispered things I only wish I was imagining. Though my imagination could not have possibly came up with the things he said. In detail he would describe how he'd rip my clothes off and touch me in places I'd hate, how id cry and scream but no one would hear me. I had never heard anyone say "Rape" and "Molest" so many times.
    I'd always end up with him as a partner for projects. During this time I'd try my best to avoid eye contact. His tournament would just continue. He told me that I was ugly and fat, and that no one would ever want me besides him. He said this so often I sometimes believed it.

Though I couldn't think it possible, his behavior got worse. Often in class the teacher would turn off the lights for a video to watch on the screen. These are the times I hated the most. He would sit beside me and whisper to himself the awful things he wanted to do to me, just loud enough for me to hear. If saying this wasn't traumatizing enough,he'd rub himself underneath the desk and tell me how hard he was and go into detail what he'd do to me if no one was around. When the lights came back on he'd wipe his hand on my shoulder and go to the bathroom.

I thought every day about telling my teacher. But I told myself it was all a joke and he'd just get angry at me. I came to her a few times, asking not to be put with him anymore but without being able to tell her why, she wouldn't do anything.

   Shaniqua and Juan would just support him. They would tell him that how cold I acted to him was me being bitchy, that I was probably on my period. That they were sure I wanted him, even though I'd ask him to stay away.

Our lockers were on opposite sides of the school. I took comfort in knowing that he couldn't walk with me in the halls. This was until he started following me after class. He'd whisper more grotesque things down the school hallway and up the school stairs as he walked behind me. Every now and then I'd feel my butt being grabbed or my boobs being stroked, but is just tell myself he bumped into me on accident, that I was imagining things.

   Soon I decided I couldn't take him walking in the hallway with me any more. I started leaving class 5minutes early, Id say I had to use the bathroom and I wouldn't come back, I'd just rush to my locker. Jose noticed this and started "having to use the bathroom" 5minutes early too.

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