Chapter 6: She Gave Her Angels

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Like a bolt of lightning we left the halls of the hospital and arrived at a Tarmac on the Honolulu airstrip.
"We're here kid." Derrin said.
"Where are they where's mom and dad?" I asked anxious to see them.
"There." Prince said as he pointed to the plane.
As I looked on I saw the plane. I also saw the burning engine. I quickly remembered that my parents were seated at the window just at the wing and the flaming engine. It was at that moment my mom looked out the window. It felt like she was looking back at me with tears in her eyes. She placed her hands on the window and closed her eyes. They then the explosion happened.
"Mama! Daddy! NO!!!!" I screamed as the engine sent hot metal and debris everywhere. I knew there was no changing my past. I had to let this all play out in front of me. I was happy that at 8 years old I didn't have to see this tragedy of losing my parents but now it was unavoidable. It happened in front of me. I covered my eyes and dropped to my knees and sobbed uncontrollably. Prince and Derrin tried to console me but it was no use. I was already too far gone into my pain. As I began to look up my hands were glowing brighter.
"There's my little angel!" I heard in front of me.
The voice was very soft and sweet. It was soothing and I calmed down almost immediately. I looked up to a woman standing there reaching her hand out to me.
"Mama?" I said through my tears.
"Yes baby! Now get up off that wet ground off your knees before they turn black!" She said.
Yup that's my mama alright! She never believed in sitting on your knees. I stopped up and hugged her. Her embrace was just like I dreamed tight and warm and calming.
"Oh mama I missed you so much!" I cried in her arms.
Then from behind me I heard the deep strong voice of a man. At first I thought it was Prince.
"There's my baby girl!" The man said.
I unwrapped myself from my mom and turned to see the man behind me.
"Daddy!" I said excited as I ran into his arms.
"How's my little bear!" He said to me.
My dad always read Goldie Locks and the three bears to me every night before bed. He read it to me so much that he gave me the nickname of little bear.
"I'm better now that you're with me daddy!" I said as I buried my face into his arms.
"Thank you Prince for bringing us our baby!" My mom said happily.
Prince and Derrin smiled at them.
"It was my pleasure. However I think she has something to tell you." He said
"What's wrong little bear. I thought that you wanted to see us." Dad said confused.
"We heard you calling for us. Don't you want to be with us?" Mom followed.
I let out a deep sigh.
"I do but I just can't go like this. I can't leave Casey right now. She's already lost Derrin. She can't lose me too. It would just be too much for her." I said sadly.
I knew this was going to be disappointing to them but I just wasn't ready to leave my life on earth behind.
"But baby we just wanted you to be happy." Mom said.
"I know mama but I'm happy with Casey! And I like my job. It's just not time for me right now. I just want to live my life to the fullest and even though I want to be with you, I also want to make you proud while I'm alive so when I come back to you I can say I did all that I wanted to do just like I promised. Can I go back for a little while longer? Please?"
"Oh honey I-" my moms said before my dad interrupted.
"Loretta, let her go. She knows what she wants. And we'll be here when she comes back. Prince will get her back to us."
"Hey uncle will what about me? I helped get her here too!" Derrin said getting upset.
"Yes Derrin you helped too!" My dad said as he laughed.
"Daddy? Can I go?" I asked.
He gave me a warm smile and a hug.
"Come back to us soon little bear."
I really missed his hugs but I missed my moms hugs the most.
"Don't cry mama I'll be back one day." I said as I wiped her tears.
"Remember to make your bed in the morning." She said.
"Yes mama. I know." I said smiling.
Derrin looked at me with a surprised look on his face.
"Erin? Are you sure this is what you really want?"
It took me a second before I answered him. I took a deep breath and looked back at my parents.
"I love my parents. And I love you Derrin. But this isn't what I'm ready for right now. Do I miss them? Of course! But if I want to see them I'm sure I'll see them in my dreams."
I turned and smiled at them. They smiled back at me. I thought I would turn to find Prince but he was gone.
I didn't see him anywhere. I began to glow brighter.
"We gotta get you back kid." Derrin said.
"But what about Prince?" I asked.
"We can't worry about that if we don't get you back you would be here with us permanently." He said sternly.
He took me by the hand quickly. I waved to my parents as we flashed back to the hospital. Before I knew it I was standing by my own hospital bed. I had IV's and tubes coming from everyday direction. There were monitors at the head of the bed beeping furiously. On the other side of the room while doctors were working to keep me alive was a window. Casey was looking at the doctors moving quickly as they worked to save my dying body. I began to glow even brighter than ever before. Then the flatline. Casey slammed her fists against the glass.
"NO! ERIN!" She sobbed.
I was too late. I was going to be with my parents forever. The doctors began CPR as they continued to attempt to bring me back. Derrin was standing next to Casey as she weeper for me.
"This can't happen! I have to go back!" Come on Erin get back to yourself. You can't leave Casey like this. This would kill her."
I tried to just jump back into my body but nothing was working.
"Free yourself Erinalia." I heard a voice say.
Prince showed up standing next to my body.
"I don't know how! What do I do? I can't stay here! I just can't!" I said as I began to cry.
I was desperate to get my soul back into my body. The doctors were starting to unplug me from the machines.
"We should call it Dr. Bratt." One of the nurses said.
The doctor looked sad as he glanced at my lifeless body and asked fore the chart.
"Poor girl. She looked so full of life. Time of death........8:15pm. Her family member out there sounds so devastated. I'll go and tell her the details."
"This can't happen!" I shouted.
"Come one Erin wake up!"
"Erinalia, do you love me too?" Prince asked.
"Prince you know that I love you why wouldn't I?"
"Good I almost thought that you forgot about me!"
"This isn't going to get me back to my body or to Casey though!"
"Yes it will."
"Sing for me."
"It's the only way."
I closed my eyes and let out a deep breath.
"Alright I'll do it. What song?"
"Something that reminds you of home."
Just then it hit me.
"Me and Casey love still would stand all time! That was her favorite song."
At that moment. Casey began singing the very song I picked as she came into my room, stood beside my body and held my hand as she continued to weep. As Casey sang I began to sing with her. My glow was beginning to fade out. I was finally going back to my body. It was a slow process but it was working. Prince stood next to me and smiled with pride. Derrin went behind Casey and wrapped his arms around her as we both continued to sing. My glow was getting dimmer with every lyric. As we approached the end of the song I grabbed Prince's hand. He looked at me and I looked back. He was still smiling and his eyes were warm. I gave Prince a kiss on the cheek and hugged him tightly.
"Thank you Prince. I love you." I whispered to him.
My glow was finally gone and I was back to normal.
"Congratulations Erinalia! You did it. You're going home." He said sadly.
"I'm gonna miss you P." I said.
"Don't! I'll always be there when you need me. I'm just a song away." He said as he patted me on the head. The machines began to beep inconsistently. Casey gasped as she looked at me. I could feel myself fading away from Prince.
"It's time Erinalia." He said.
"You can't just say it one time can you. I know how much you like my name but-"
"Go home Erin." He said as he interrupted me.
"See ya later!" I said excited to get back to my body.
"Good luck my friend." Prince said as he faded to black.
My eyes jolted open and I was gasping for air. Casey sobbed happily as she hugged me. The doctor came back into the room.
"Oh my god! It's a miracle!" He said from the door.
I put my weak arms around Casey as tight as I could.
"Don't you ever scare me like that again!" She said as we both cried in each other's arms. I was finally happy to be back with her.

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