Pure Imagination

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{time skipped because Author is being lazy}

{time skipped because Author is being lazy}

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Willy stared at the poster, my idol. The man has made many children, including himself, very happy over the years. Willy has always dreamed of being a chocolatier, and want to make kids who are less fortunate then him happy like his idol did. Willy was standing in the middle of the sidewalk, just staring at the poster.

"Hey! Look! It's the geek again!" Willy shot his head to the side and saw Edward Cross and his gang. "GET HIM!" Willy sprinted, and ran into a dead end.

"Look! His geeky headset is gone! He still looks demented!" The teenagers came closer to Willy, and Willy backed away every step they took. "Are you still a cry baby like you used to be? Oh wait. Of course you are! Losers never change!" The head spoke. Willy stiffened his back as he hit the end of the wall. Willy was dead meat for sure.

"I grow stronger Edward Cross! You can't hurt me no longer!" Edward looked at his buddies with devilish grin. He then looked back at Willy, to see he was shaking in his shoes.

"Is that so....let's get him boys!" The teens then charged at Willy, and...... just before the gang took a punch a girl appears. "HEY BUTT HEADS!" She shouted. The bully Edward turned to his attention from Willy to the girl behind him. They charged at the girl but, she grabbed a skateboard from her backpack and started ride around the block trying to do get away from the boys.

They were gaining her but just when the boys were about to grab her arm heather turned and the boys fell into a manure truck

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They were gaining her but just when the boys were about to grab her arm heather turned and the boys fell into a manure truck. Willy on the other hand was running and came upon the scene to see if the girl was ok. To his relief she was.

"You're okay!" Willy exclaimed as he rushed to her side. The girl stopped her skateboard and turned to him. "Yup iam a okay! " She grinned. "So what's your name Mister?!" Willy inside was stuttering for words but managed to reply" I .... I ..... I am Willy Wonka."

The girl smiled and replied back saying "Iam Heather Brown daughter of Doctor Emmett Brown, a scientist. "
"So Heather would you like me to walk you home as ..." (Oh come on willy wonka quite stuttering.)

Meanwhile, heather looks at me and waits patiently for me to finish with out trying to make myself look like like a total looser. "Yes Willy?" She asks. "I was um wondering if you want me to walk you home as a thank you for saving me back there. I thought I was DONE FOR!" I stated after I finally had the nerve to ask her.

Heather looks at me with her chocolate brown eyes and says " Yes! I would like that very much" So we walked side by side I decided to strike up a conversation.

We talked bout lots of things school, family (I wish my father was like Dr Brown aka her father he sounds really smart and doesn't care what her daughter wants to be when she grows up), and chocolate of course. Little did I know that her house was only 5 blocks away from school. As we reached the Brown's Mansion. (See photo)

 (See photo)

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