x. the screw up

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Evelynn was wearing a backstage badge, which told people that she was helping out and getting everything ready for the show. Her attire was very casual, something you would see a stage assistant wear. She came in through the back of the building. Looking around, she found people who were carrying boxes. "Need help with those?" she asked an older looking man smiling.

The man took a look at her badge. "Ah, I got it," he said giving a small smile.

"It's no problem really," she replied.

"If you insist," he hesitated. "Can you pick up those two smaller boxes and follow me."

"Okay." She did as she was told and followed him inside to the backstage. She listened to his instructions and placed them where he told her to.

"Thank you for the help."

"Like I said, no problem at all," she told him grinning. "If you need any more help, look for me, yeah?"

He nodded and headed back the way he came. Her eyes followed him until he disappeared from sight. "I'm in," she said in her earpiece.

"Circuit is ours," Daniel told her. "Evelynn, get it prepped."

Evelynn saw the control room sign. The one Daniel was in was a different control room, there was one for the circuits and this one is managing the show. She peeked in and saw one person, switching her badge around, it now said intern.

"Hi," she said announcing her entrance.

The woman at the table turned around, confused. "Who are you?"

"Oh, well. This was kind of sudden. I'm doing an internship on control room operating," she held up her badge. "Your manager told me that I could observe you while you work on directing the show. I hope it's nothing too troublesome."

"It is sudden," the woman told her. "I guess it won't be a big deal just don't get in my way."

"Of course, I'm Lynn, by the way."

"Hi, Lynn. Patricia," the woman greeted herself not looking away from her screens.

Just then, Evelynn saw the few buttons she needed to turn on for everything to go smoothly.

"Umm, if you don't mind me asking," Evelynn started off. "Is that new? I haven't seen those models before," she asked, pointing at the equipment to the women's left.

When the women looked to the left, Evelynn quickly pressed all the button and switched everything she needed to in record time.

"No," the women answered, oblivious to what just occurred. "They're actually pretty old. Maybe, you're just used to the new stuff."

"Ahh, I see, " Evelynn said, feigning embarrassment. "If you don't mind could you tell me the way to the restroom? I'll be back in no time."

"When you leave you go left, the third hallway on your right. You can't miss it."

"Thank you very much," Evelynn walked to the door and left the room. She changed her badge back to the stage assistant one. "Finished, I'm heading your way now." She went to the place right next to the stage seeing Lula and Merritt.

"Everything good?" she asked. They responded with a nod.

Jack came up and stood next to Evelynn. "I'm actually nervous and I'm not even the one going up on stage."

"You know I've heard that if you're nervous, it can be really helpful to picture each other naked," Lula informed Jack. Evelynn chuckled at her antics.

TEMPERANCE | jack wilderWhere stories live. Discover now