xii. the scare

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"Alright, so the lab is made up of two distinct layers, the security perimeter, and the clean room," Daniel said circling the area for us on the screen. "The stick we're looking for should be in this core. So, we're gonna have to get underneath, extract it and replace it with a decoy. Now, we're about to get to the chip. This is the thing about the chip, it's very thin. Luckily, it's similar in length and size of a playing card. So, we're gonna have to brush up on our card skills. So, how do we get in? Hadis Pike, he's the son of a South African gangster. He's R.S.V.Ps with what looks like a couple of members of his security detail, doctors and veterans I guess and someone named Buffy."

"And apparently, he travels with a different bimbo every week. Hmm, I wonder which on of us gets to play the bimbo," she asked sarcastically.

Daniel just looked at her with a hint of a smile on his face. Raising an eyebrow towards her as he ate a snack. She only nodded and smiled in return.

"Wait, if you guys all do that. What part am I playing?" Evelynn asked.

"Oh, you? Well, you see. How, do I put it..." Daniel trailed off not meeting her eye. "You're the getaway driver."

Evelynn almost choked on her food. "I'm the what?!" she asked angrily.

"Chauffeur, every position has already been filled out. All you have to do is sit in the car and look pretty," he smiled at her.

"Have you no fear?" Merritt muttered observing Evelynn.

"I will make you pay for this, Atlas."

"And I'll be happily waiting, but this isn't a game. You have the easy job while we have to do all the work," he tried to reason with her.

"I suppose you're right, but I won't be happy about it."

"I wouldn't count on it. Great now we move on," He turned to Jack. "You'll have to train us."

Then after that, they all started training except Evelynn since it won't be essential that she knew how to deal with the cards. Evelynn laid down on the couch and checked her phone for any updates. This phone was the same phone that Dylan gave her. It was a phone where the information, data, and location cannot be traced back to her. It has encryptions, firewall, and is basically the best phone Evelynn could ask for. It hooks up to any and all Wi-Fi, data, or hotspots so she could check on any information she wanted without worrying about being made. However, now it was her only source of entertainment.

"I'm so bored," she whined.

"We're in Macau, go out and do something," Jack told her while showing Lula where to place her hand.

"Can I?" her eyes shined at the thought but soon the shine faded. "We're being held in by guards, though, that won't be possible.

"You can always just sleep," Lula offered.

"No. I despise sleeping, I only sleep if necessary."

"That's really unhealthy."

"Bite me."

Lula sighed, "There's nothing I can do for you."

"Shame," Evelynn said sadly and picked up a deck of cards. She started shuffling and bridging them. "I have no one to play cards with, too."

Evelynn continued to mess around with the cards as they practiced on it. Every once in a while, someone would mess up and she would tease them for it. She was basically only there for moral support. As they finished up with the plan and their training, they drove to the casino in a taxi.

Before Merritt went inside, he hypnotized the driver of Hadis's other car to go out and enjoy the day. Evelynn was in the car waiting for the rest of the Horsemen to perform their duties and get back. She looked around at all of the people who entered the casino to pass the time. However, time still passed slowly and she was bored. This sucks, she thought to herself. Should've played the bimbo. I mean why didn't they think of her the first time they said it. I suppose Lula is better looking than me so that's probably why. Evelynn was silently fuming. She was also very sleepy. Last night she stayed up at night on her phone, reading up on things about the Horsemen on social media and time flew by. That lead her to no sleep whatsoever.

TEMPERANCE | jack wilderWhere stories live. Discover now