The Power of Love

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Dedicated to:  Babooshka123


The children surrounded little Willy as he cowered in the corner

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The children surrounded little Willy as he cowered in the corner. The head of the three smiled at the other two. "Hey guys! Look! It's weirdo Willy with his weird braces! Doesn't it make him look like a freak!" One of the kids smiled and nodded his head. "Yeah Yeah! He looks like a total dork!" Willy felt the tears already brimming in his eyes. What could he have done to deserve this?

The head of the gang looked at Willy with a nasty grin. "Look! He's even crying like a baby! What a loser!" Willy got agitated at the remark, and glared at the guy named Edward Cross. But, Willy then felt his lip quiver in fear. The kids were breaking the barrier of Willy emotions, which were slowly killing him inside.

"Are you going to cry baby? Come on! Cry! I dare you!" Said Edward. Willy, however, felt the tears going down his face as he glared at the boy. "Cut it out!" Little Willy yelled. The head older kid glared at Willy, he didn't like it when Willy fought back. "Or what, ya little brat?"

Willy didn't say anything. He just held his hands in front of him to protect as the kids belated him up. On the way back home to his kept thinking first kids beats me up and then my father crushed my dreams of becoming a choclatire.

He sighed "can't things just get any worse?" He opens the door and sees a shooting star and wishes out loud " I hope I find the special someone in my life and become the greatest choclatire in the world."  Then he went inside. Little did he know that wish he made will come true.

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