Chapter 5

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I walk into my first class everyone is already seated.

"miss Elena your back take a seat" Mr Reynolds says to me 

I face the class, everyone staring at me. I hear a couple of whispers, I see Josh seated next to Todd I remember him coming to the house a couple of times.

I sit next to some girl I've never talk too before. I lean over and whisper to her "hi I'm Elena"

She looks surprise "I know everyone been talking about you. I'm shay"

"Nice to meet you" I ignore the comment about people talking about me. I really don't care what there saying

Class ends and while I'm grabbing my stuff I feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn around and there's josh, I have to try and stay calm act like I don't care "hey" I say to him

"Hey your back" he replies back

"I'm back" is all I say

I can feel the awkward tension.

"Well I'm glad I miss seeing you around" he smiles

"Thanks I better go" I have to make myself leave or I'll get sucked back into those blue eyes

"O okay see you later" he's look surprised I'm sure he expected me to be like the old me the one who hung on his ever word and followed him around like a lost puppy

I walk to my locker and see kayla's standing next too "hey" I say

"Hey I thought I would wait for you and walk with you to our next class"

"Okay thanks"I smile

I grab my book and we make our way to the next class I stop when I see a familiar face "is that ally in the mean girls clique?" I ask Kayla

I'm genuinely shocked I know she embarrassed me and stopped being my friend but I didn't expect her to join the mean girls pack, especially when the leader is the famous Tiffany who's bullied me and also hooked up with josh after I told him I was in love with him.

"Yep she joined as soon as you left she a totally different person" she sighs

We walk past them I can feel them glaring at me but I just keep walking.

Lunch approaches, me and Kayla sit together obviously. I see that girl shay and some other girl I wave at her to come over.

"What are you doing? why are you waving shay and Vanessa to come over?" Kayla whispers to me

"Because that shay girl seem nice"I say

"She's kind of a" trials off and I know what she's going to say

"So? we were too"

shay and I guess Vanessa walk over "um hi did you need me to do something?" shay says looking unsure as to why I would be waving at her to come over

"No I was wondering if you and your friend wanted to sit with us" I ask

"Really?" She says surprised and happy

"Yeah come on sit. I'm Elena and that's Kayla"I point to Kayla

"Hi I'm Vanessa" she waves

"Are you going to Jeff party tomorrow?" shay asks me

" Jeff Bronson? He's such a jerk" I say with a sigh

"But he does throw a good party" Vanessa adds, but I wouldn't know I've never been invited to one

"It might be fun"Kayla says looking at me, I can tell she does want to go

"Okay count me in" It could be fun

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