Chapter 23

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Me and the guys wait in the living room.

I keep picking the nail polish off my nails, a habit I do when I'm nervous.

"Hey" Josh's says softly as he grabs my hand

I smile at him, he smiles back but it doesn't reach his eyes.

"Call me if you need me" he tell me

"Okay" I smile

We hear the door bell go off, we all look at the door.

"He's here" will says as we continue to stare at the door

Me and Caleb get up at the same time but he reaches the door before I can.

"Hey Jacob" Caleb says

"Hey man" Jacob greets back

Will and Josh get up from the couch and stand next to Caleb all of them giving Jacob the death stare.

"Hey Jacob" I greet him

"Hey Elena you look beautiful" he smiles at me

"Thanks we should get going" I say

"We will be here waiting for you when you get back" Caleb tells me while staring at Jacob

"Yeah okay" I brush past them and shut the door behind me

"So where are we going?" I ask him once we are on the road

"I thought we go see a movie" he tells me

"Sounds fun" I smile

We walk up to the ticket booth.

"Ooo that one looks good" I say about the new ghostbusters movie

"It looked stupid to me" he says "hi two to-" he say to the ticket guy

We ended up seeing some guy movie with naked girls and cars.

"Good movie huh" he says to me once we get back in the car

"Uh yeah" I say even though it wasn't

We pull up to my driveway .

"I Had a really great time" he says while staring at me

"Me too" I look at him before I can say or do anything he kisses me

He moves away after couple seconds  "Bye babe" he say with a smirk

"Bye" I say a little confused as I get out of the car.

I see the guys in the window looking at us as soon as I look at them they all run back to the couch.

"Nice guys" I laugh as I came in

"Soooo how was it?" will ask me

"It was fine" I tell him

"He won't be getting a second date" Caleb chuckles

"What that supposed to mean?" I snap

"It's just you said it was fine and you don't look that happy is all" Josh shrugs

"For you guys information it was a great date we saw a movie he put his arm around me and we kissed in the car" I tell them they nod

"Please call Kayla she's been blowing my phone about this date she wants to know everything" Caleb sighs, I laugh

"Night guys" I say as I walk upstairs

"Night" they say at the same time

I take my makeup off and get into some comfortable clothes and call Kayla, shay and Vanessa

"Hey" Kayla say

"Hello"Vanessa greats

"Hi" shay answers

"Soo how did it go" Kayla squeals

"It went great" I tell them with fake enthusiasm, then tell them every single detail starting with the guys helping me get ready which they thought was hilarious and told them about the kiss

"Okay it's getting late I'll talk to you all tomorrow" I yawn

"Okay girl. night" Kayla says

"Night" shay and Vanessa say

Maybe I had to much expectation for this date. he's a nice guy and good looking maybe it's me plus I need to get over what feeling I do have that are lingering for Josh.

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