Chapter 45

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I go home and climb into my bed needing to cry and eat lots of ice cream.

I hear a knock on my door

"Go away" I yell

I hear the door open "I brought more ice cream" Kayla says

"You can come in" I pat the empty spot next to me

"So I heard  what happened" she says as she sits down

"How?" I asks confused

"Josh told Caleb and he told me"

"Caleb told you?"

"Yeah he called me he was worried about you" she smiles

"I'm fine" I sigh

"Do you really not like him like that anymore?" She says seriously

"I'm scared Kayla" I say as I take a bite of my ice cream

"Loves a scary thing believe me" she smiles

"What if I give him a chance and he breaks my heart again"

"Or what if it actually works out. The point is you won't ever know until you give it a chance" Kayla shrugs

"When did you get so wise?" I raise a eyebrow

"I've always been" she flips her hair making me laugh


After Kayla left it got me thinking.

I knock on Caleb door

"Come in" I hear him yell

"Hey" I say as I walk in, I sit on his bed

"What's up" he says as he puts his xbox controller down

"At the party I heard you got jealous when Kayla kissed that guy" I say no point beating around the bush

"Why would I get jealous" he says with a clenched jaw

"Because I know you like Kayla even though you've never wanted to admit it"

"She's annoying" he says with a slight smirk

"But I know you secretly love it" I smirk

"It wouldn't work" he shrugs

"We are more alike than I thought" I laugh

"Why because you don't want to give Josh a chance? Yeah he told me what went down"

"Like you said it wouldn't work" I repeat

"We are some cowards huh" he sighs

"Yep" I nod

"Schools ending soon and I don't want to have any regrets, I don't know if it will work out or if I'll ever even see her after high school but I can't let her go" he says like he's made up her mind

"I guess tomorrow's going to be a big day for the both of us" I smile

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