Chapter 39

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I can not believe what I'm seeing my boyfriend Jacob is in bed with Tiffany.

"It's not what it looks like" Jacob says pushing Tiffany off of him

She just smirks at me like this is a game to her.

"Hey are you okay?" Josh walks up and looks in the guest room

"Joshy it's not what it looks like" Tiffany says innocently

"I'm not surprised" Josh shakes his head

"What's that supposed to mean" Tiffany scoffs

"Because your a slut" I scream I did not mean to say that out loud

"Your just jealous because every guy you want wants me instead" she says getting in my face

Usually I would of cried any other time with those words but right now i don't give a shit .

"Put some clothes on and get the hell out of my house you bitch!" I tell her

Her jaw drops.

I turn to get out of the room I can't take it anymore but someone pushes me making me fall into Josh's arms, I look back to see Tiffany glaring at me.

"Your a loser Elena that's all you will ever be no amount of weight you lose or how much makeup you put on is going to change that" she spats

I look at her not being able to take her any more and I know I'm going to regret this in the morning but right now.

I punch her in the nose "get out of my house" I grab her clothes and throw them at her "and you" I point at Jacob who looks scared "we are soo done get out"

"Please baby it won't happen again" he pleads

"Your right it won't because we are done" I tell him

They walk out of the house as quick as they can ignoring the stares.

"That was badass" Kayla says holding up her phone up probably recording

As soon as they are out of ear length "shit!" I scream grabbing my hand

"Come on" Josh takes me to the bathroom

"Sit on the counter" he says and helps me up by grabbing my hips

"I'm sorry about Tiffany" I whisper

"Don't be we actually broke up 10 minutes before all that went down anyway and as for the punch she deserved it" he gives me a small smile as he takes my hand gently and fixes it up

I wonder why they broke up?

"I'm sorry about Jacob he's an idiot" I see Josh jaw clenched

"Yeah he is but I was planning on breaking up with him anyway" I sigh


"I didn't like him in that way" I shrug

He looks up at me "there" he says as he finishes wrapping my hand up and he kisses my knuckles

"Thank you" I whisper not being able to take my eyes off of him

"Elena" Josh says I can tell he's thinking about something


"Don't slap me for this" he says I look at him confused

He surprises me and kisses me softly like I'm deliquet and will break, I grab him by the neck and kisses him harder he puts his hands on my hips and I wrap my legs around his hips.

I don't know how much time has passed everything feels like it's in slow motion the only thing I can think about is how good his lips feel against mine.

'Knock' 'knock'

I hear at the door which makes us pull apart.

"Just a second" Josh calls out a little out of breath

He puts his head against mine and closes his eyes almost like he doesn't want to forget this moment.

"I got to take a piss" I hear Todd say through the door which makes me laugh

"We better go" I tell Josh he nods and helps me down

I walk back into the living room.

"My best friend is a badass" Kayla swoons making me laugh

"Are you okay" Vanessa asks worried

"Yeah I'm okay" I give her a smile

"This is the best party ever" will screams drunk off his ass

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