Chapter 7

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[Chapter 7]

Nixon and I have been ignoring each other the whole afternoon. I didn't want to see him after that little stunt he pulled during breakfast anyways. I stayed locked up in the guest room all afternoon, afraid that if I leave, I'll run into him again and he'll most likely try putting me into another chokehold. And I can still feel his fingers digging into my skin. I may seem overdramatic about this, but it's true.

When I left the dining room, I immediately went up to the room I was staying in and checked myself in the mirror. There were bruises where his fingers dug in around my neck. Artemis has been quiet all day, probably stunned. I was too.

Now I'm slumped on the floor over by the window. I was staring out the large window that gave me a nice view of the snow-capped mountains off in the distance. Blue covered the sky with just a couple puffy, white clouds scattered across the sky. Birds flew to different trees, chirping amongst each other. I even spotted a couple of deer at the entrance of the forest.

The loud rumble coming from my stomach snapped me out of my daze. I placed my hand on my tummy as I began to feel hungry. Getting up, I walked over to the door and slowly opened it. I peeked out to see if the coast was clear. When I didn't see him, I tip toed down the stairs. I winced when I heard one of the steps creak, but quickly and quietly made it all the way down and into the kitchen.

I almost sighed in relief when I made it into the kitchen, but immediately froze when I saw Nixon digging in the fridge. I stood there a few seconds, admiring the way his muscles flexed when he went to reach for something. When I snapped out of it, I wanted to mentally punch myself in the face for staring at him even if he is my mate. I was about to turn around and make a break towards the stairs, but the sound of him closing the door to the refrigerator and clearing his throat stopped me. I looked over my shoulder and saw him staring at me.

"Sit." he ordered. I crossed my arms across my chest and scowled at him.

"What am I? Your pet dog?" I snapped.

His jaw ticked in anger but he sucked in a deep breath to hold back his anger. "Please, sit down." he gritted out. I slowly walked towards one of the chairs at the island table and sat down, not because he told me to, but because I wanted to. I was hungry anyways.

On the counter in front of me was a sandwich, sitting on a plate. I stared at it, wondering if it was for me. "Eat." he told me and pointed to the plate in front of me, confirming my thoughts. I eyed it and lifted the bread up to see what's inside. I'm not being picky or anything, but who knows what he could've done to it. I sniffed it, making sure he didn't put some kind of poison or drug in it.

"Are you picky too? It's just a sandwich." I rolled my eyes and took a bite of it. It tasted like a normal sandwich, maybe slightly better. But of course I wouldn't say anything to him. I could taste the Provolone cheese, mayo, lettuce, and turkey. Nixon stared at me the whole time I was eating. When I finished, he took it over to the sink and began washing it.

"I'm going to go for a run." I told him as I started to get up.

"No you're not." He said as he began drying the plate with a towel.

Are you kidding me?

"Um...Yes I am. You're not the boss of me. If me running away is what you're afraid of, do you honestly think I'll do that? You already know where I live so it's no doubt that you'll go back to kidnap me again. You'll probably murder my family along the way." My voice wavered a bit at the last sentence because I knew he was capable of doing it.

"You're not going." he stated as if he hadn't heard what I'd just said. I quickly stood up from the chair.

"What's the deal? You brought me here. What's the point of me being here? Stay up in my room for the rest of my life?!" my voice began to raise. "Can't I at least go for a run? If it worries so much, you can just come with me."

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