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Opening his eyes slowly he blinks a few times before his green eyes focused on mine.

“Pe-pebbles?” he asks.

I started to correct him but considering the way he looked I saved it, “What happened?”

Pushing himself up he groans, “You can’t be here.”

“Why what’s wrong?”

Waving his hand back and forth he says, “Go you need to go now.”

“But,” I stopped as branches and leaves cracked behind the bushes.

“Go.” He whispers as he tries to pull himself up and falls back down.

“Here let me help.” I say draping his arm over my shoulder and damn was he heavy.

“I don’t need your help.” he growls.

“Well to damn bad.” I say as I get up. Pulling him up with me Harry steadies himself on his feet, he flinches as I notice a weird color soaking through his white shirt. We slowly made my way to my car as I stop.

“Well, well, well, if it isn’t Mr. Styles himself. Thought you could get away?” says a guy as he walks out of the bushes. Standing at about Harry’s height his hair was short and dark, he had royal blue eyes that seemed to glimmer under the moonlight. He wore a dark blue shirt that was dirty and ripped along with ripped jeans.

Pulling all of his strength off of me Harry walks, more like limps, in front of me as he positions himself between me and the guy from the bushes.

“Leave.” Harry says roughly.

“I was until I got a whiff of something sweet and I just had to turn around.” licking his lips the guy looks over at me as he winks, “Hello sweetheart.”

“Don’t speak to her!” Harry growls.

“You could barely handle us before, do you think that you can handle us now?” says the guy as two more people step out from the bushes.

Taking a step back Harry grabs my wrist as he says, “I don’t want to hurt you.”

“Hurt me? When will you learn Styles? You can’t hurt me.” says the guy as he steps towards Harry.

Keeping his ground Harry pulls me towards his back, “When I say now run to your car.”

Looking at Harry I felt confuse and slightly dizzy. I thought I was imagining things considering Harry didn’t move his mouth to speak, but as he steps towards the guy he squeezes my wrist and let’s go. Without any warning Harry swings on the guys as the other two lunge towards him.

“Now!” he yells as he continues to fight.

Running for my car I hopped in and closed my door. I can’t just leave him. I thought as I looked behind me. The road was still deserted and I’m pretty sure no cars were going to be driving this way anytime soon. Shifting my car into drive I floored it towards where the boys were fighting at. They all stopped and hopped out of my way as I stop causing my car to swerve sideways. Reaching behind me I threw open the back door and yelled, “Get in!”

Without hesitation Harry jumped up and hopped in as I pulled off not waiting for him to close the door.


“Who the hell were those kids?” I asked as I drove.

“Let’s just say they weren’t friends.” He says.

“No shit Sherlock!”

Driving for a few minutes Harry leans his head against the window as he says, “When you get to the cross roads turn right.”

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