Chest Pains

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Harry POV

"Now class," Miss Jackson started as she paced walks back and forth in front of the class, "I have scheduled you all for another art museum trip."

Sitting back in my sit I rubbed my eyes as Pebbles looked up from the paper she was sketching on. Watching her as she gave her absolute undivided attention to Miss Jackson I looked down at her paper. It was another random drawing of a tree next to a cabin, the forth one this week. Leaning a little forward I eyed the drawing wondering why in the hell did it look familiar?

"Harry," calls Miss Jackson making me look up, "Are you paying attention, or are you distracted?"

Looking from her to Pebbles who was looking at me as wink at her as I say, "Distracted."

Miss Jackson does her usual annoyed groans that she always rewards me with, while Pebbles cheeks turn cherry red. Looking at me Miss Jackson says, "Well un-distract yourself and pay attention."

Saluting her like I was a soldier I say, "Will do teach."

She continues to talk about our upcoming trip this Friday as I look back down at the sketching. I ran my mind through every cabin, and house I could think about in the area, but I couldn't think of none that matched this picture. With an arm stretched over the back of Pebbles chair, my hand began to cramp as I pull it to me, cursing to myself, in a not so quiet manner.

"Mr. Styles do we have a problem?" asks Miss Jackson.

I shake my head, "Hand cramp, my fault, please continue."

She looks at me for a second as if she lost her train of thought.

"You were talking about the actual assignment for the trip." I say which shocked her because she didn't think I was paying attention.

"Right, now like I was saying,"

He voice faded faintly as I looked down to my clutched hand. I could feel my claws piercing my skin as I could feel the hairs on the back of my neck stand at attention. Looking over to the classroom window I looked for anything out of the normal that would trigger my alertness, but to my surprise I saw nothing. Extending my hearing I could feel the need for me to shift acting up when out of nowhere Pebbles hand finds mine as she covers it with her own, all while her attention was still on Miss Jackson. Everything in me seemed to calm at her touch. I could feel my claws pulling back as my body relaxed. The bell run just as Miss Jackson passed out our permission slips to the class.

"Get these signed I want them brought by tomorrow, Wednesday, the latest." She calls out as we all stand grabbing our stuff to leave. Pebbles grabs two sheets of paper as I grab her textbook and we head out.

"So what happened?" she asked as she looks over at me.

"What happened when?" I asked dumbfounded.

"In class," she says as she folds one of the permission slip, sticking it in her bag, "What happen?"

Handing her my folder in which she folds the other permission slip and sticks inside, "Nothing happen."

"You are starting to become a terrible liar." She smiles, "Your body started to heat up, causing mine to. What happened?"

I looked over at her for a second before looking back down the hall we were walking in. Although I find it intriguing that we are linked, even though I'm still don't know 100% how, I have to admit, it was still weird that she could feel certain things like that.

"False alarm," I lied, "I was having a cramp and needed to release my claws for a second."

She looks at me and nods, "Better now?"

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