You Asked I've Answered Part 2!!!!

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If I didn't answer your question or you think of a new one. Don't hesitate to ask =D NOW LETS GET STARTED

Tattoos4styles asked : Do you love me?

Of course I do !!!
But the million dollar question here is, do you love me? jk xD


MusicXhorse26 asked: why does Liam call Anna Pollyanna Again? Is Harry technically two different alphas which is basically impossible for a wolf pack?

Liam calls Anna that to annoy her like he used to call her Anya for a while, but like Pebbles there is a reason. And as for Harry, he technically has only been an alpha to the Rebels, not the pack he is with now. Although he acts like their alpha it never was official because there is a process you have to go through first. But nothing is impossible.


Fearfull-y asked: who is cast for this book? How did you come up with Unleashed and the story plot?

I'm going to start posting them before chapters like I did with Anna's family. I've said before that the idea for this was random. I wanted to do a supernatural story. But as far as the plot goes. I haven't come across a story that dealt with star-crossed lovers that consisted of a wolf and a witch, that, are tasked with responsibility like no other, all the while they are battling within themselves with who they truly are and what they are destined to do. It's a crazy mix up and I still have no idea how I'm tying all of this together considering I'm legit winging most of it. xD


Krissydenise asked: When will she say something to Taylor?

Soon, and it'll be surprising, and you'll be proud, I know Charlotte is ;D


Megan123star asked: was he about to say the "L" word?!

I like potatoes.... (avoiding that question because spoilers)


Brianahparker asked: what made you choose werewolves instead of a vampire stories?

The Vampire Diaries

True Blood


The Originals

Vampire academy

Do I need to say more? Vampires are too mainstream and I wanted something different. So I went with wolves and witches. I mean who doesn't love a hot guy that turns into man's "best friend" at night? Am I right?

LeoHowardsFriend asked: how many chapters are you planning on doing till you end it? And will there be an epilogue?

To end it completely? Hmmm I'm planning on doing another book. Make 3 all together, its all based if you guys want me to or not. And when I finish it yes they'll will be an epilogue, can't leave you hanging can I?


Now you guys know that I talk alot about my stories with my mom and she usually give me advice on how much I should post and such. So I asked her that since I gave you a spoiler for Untamed last question/ask post, why not give you an upcoming spoiler from Unleashed.

It's going to give a spoiler, so beware... Hope you like it! (relates to a scene I've already posted, I'll screenshot the chapter section and put it in the picture spot above)

"But what if," I start, "It's not two wolves in a fight but two within oneself." I say as I move over to the table, "Harry always said that the wolf channels his anger and that's when he loses control. What if the two wolves represent Harry and his inner wolf."

"Then that would explain why he is hard to control on the full moon. No one can get him to calm down." says Niall.

"No," says Liam as he looks at him, "There is one person who can control him, bring him to his senses."

Looking up Liam yes meets mines as Angel says, "Louis has him back at his old ways, do you honeslty think that she can bring him back?"

Liam nods, "I'm positive, it's their hearts," he explains, "She can reach him on a level that none of us can."

"Okay." I say nodding my head, "What do I have to do?"

"Okay? Okay! Are you fucking insane? Your going to get yourself killed. The rebels aren't to play and test theories with. They already want your head, and your really going to throw yourself in front of them?" asked Lily.

"It doesn't matter, I got him into this. I'm going to get him out of it." I say as I look up at Liam, "What do I need to do?"

Liam smirks as he stares at me for a moment, "I knew there was a reason that I liked you, Pollyanna."

Hope you enjoyed! School is over in a week or 2? I forget but as soon as it's up I'm going to be posting up a storm! Let's see if I can wrap this up by New Years!

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