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After getting back to the campsite Harry went off into the woods behind where his tent was and I went over to where a huge rock sat as I looked out to the woods.

“Penny for your thought?”

Looking up Miss Jackson walks over to me as I smile, “Hey.”

“You okay darling?”

I nod, “Yeah I’m good.”

Motioning next to me she says, “May I?”

I nod as I move over.

“What’s bothering you?” she asks.

I shake my head, “Nothing, it’s just that.” pausing I looked up at her, “Your into that who spiritual magic stuff right?” 

She nods, “I studied it for a semester in college. Why do you ask?”

“What do you know about aura’s?”

Miss Jackson eyes widen for a second as she looks at me, “Why do you ask?”

I shrugged I can’t exactly come out and say that I think I see them, so instead I say, “I read about it somewhere before and I’m just curious to what it is?”

“Well,” she starts, “The medical definition of it is that it is a perceptual disturbance experienced by some with migraine or seizures before either the headache or seizure begins.”

“And the nonmedical definition.”

Adjusting her glasses she says, “It’s a field of subtle, luminous radiation surrounding a person or object. One in which says that all living things, including humans, and all objects manifest such an aura, one that is said to associate various personality traits with the colors of different layers of the aura.”

“Do you know what sets it off, or what it’s symptoms are?”

“Well I heard that it associates with energy, but both can be triggered by panics, panic attacks, or anxiety attacks.”

“Are there certain changes that happen through this process?”

She nods, “When an aura is trigger it’s usually a sign of something bad coming, an migraine, a panic attack. So how some people notices that it is coming is by different visual, or auditory changes. Whether its bright lights, or stars lights in your vision, strange smell, a feeling of your body temperature rising or even strange noises like buzzing or a beeping sound.”

I nod for a second as I take all of her information in.

“Sweetheart is there something going on with you?” she asks with worry in her eyes.

Shaking my head I smile, “No, I’m fine.”

“Are you sure? I mean Rob use to tell me when you were little that you use to say you saw colors around people.”

I blocked her out for a moment. It’s been a while since I heard the name Rob, my uncle. At times I wondered how I could forget the fact that my uncle and Miss Jackson use to talk, like in a relationship talk. She had been in my life since I was in 5th grade, when she was my art teacher in elementary, and I still found it weird to call her anything besides Miss Jackson.

“My uncle told you that I use to see auras?” I said realizing what she had just said.

She nods, “He said that you use to come up to him asking him why he was covered in a sliver like light. He thought that it was because you were young, and you know how people say that the younger kids are the more that they are subjected to the paranormal, so he always looked passed it.”

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