Third Part

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WARNING! All of these parts will be very short.

As soon as Lucy and Shea entered the wasteland they were in immediate need of medical attention and had to be removed from the competition. Many of the other contestants were struggling in other parts of the terrain. Half an hour later Emma had passed out from lack of being near clean, safe, accessible water. Lainey being a bit clumsy, had gotten lost and fallen into a deep hole. Lainey and Emma were removed from the competition. After a day of surviving in the wasteland Lady Kathleen and Duchess Meryl are unable to find food and collapsed from exhaustion. They chose to remove themselves from the competition. Now only the three favorite's and one other remained, Aurora Atwood, Rapunzel Lacey, Gabi, and most surprisingly local Selena Ashdown. Once they had survived the three days in the wilderness, they were ready to enter the next challenge in which they would attempt to apply the torturous waterproof liquid eyeliner.

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