Joining the Games

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During Winter Break, Sam was confronted by her family about the situation, and they were proud of her. She did not want to be in it, if Mike and Sulley weren't going to be in it. On the last day of Winter Break, Dear little Samantha discovered she has a little crush on Sulley, did not tell anyone about this, she decided to keep it for herself, and focus on going back to school.

Sam was in her dorm, reading a book about art, since she could not be in the scaring program, she could be in art.

Then, there was banging at the door. Sam got up and opened the door, and Mike ran in. "Sam!, I have an idea on how we can get back in the scaring program!"

"What, How?" She asked him.

"Come on!" Mike grabbed her arm, and dragged her down the halls, to where the frat houses were.

Claire was saying into a microphone, "Welcome to this year's Greek Scare Games kickoff."

"The scare games!, Yeah!" Brock yelled into the microphone.

"Okay, relax," Claire told him, "We have a special guest, the founder of the games, Dean Hardscrabble."

Mike had told Sam to stand in the crowd as he took care of it. What it was, she didn't know yet. The crowd cheered, and then they were silenced, Hardscrabble said, "As a student, I created these games as a friendly completion, but be prepared. To take home the trophy, you must be the most fearsome monsters on campus." Sam looked at the RORs and saw them posing for a snapshot. "So good luck, and may the best monsters win."

Brock stepped forward again and announced, "All right, everybody. We're closing down sign-ups. So we'll see you all..."

"Wait!" Mike's voice shouted from the crowd.

"Mike?" Sam questioned.

Mike was standing on a blue car. He grabbed Sam's arm, and tried pulling her on the car with him. he failed, but Sam climbed on the car anyway. "We're signing up!" Mike announced.

The crowd laughed at them. Sam blushed. "What?" Sam asked him sharply.

"Uh... You have to be in a fraternity to compete." Claire informed.

"Thank goodness." Sam sighed.

"Behold the next winning fraternity of the scare games." Mike announced. "The brothers, my brothers, of Oozma Kappa!" He pointed to the four frat brothers.

"Hi," The squishy one greeted. Another balloon deflated and hit in the face...again. Sam slapped her forehead.

"Mr. Wazowski, Miss. Parker, what are you doing?" Hardscrabble, walking off the stage and towards the blue car, that they stood on.

"You just said the winners are the most fearsome monster on campus," Mike told her, "If we win, it means you kicked out the best scarers in the whole school."

"That won't happen," Hardscrabble turned, walking away again.

"How about a little wager?" Sam, who gathered her bearings, called out to the Dean, "If we win, you let us back in the scaring program."

Dean Hardscrabble turned to them, "and what would that prove?"

Sam glared at her. "That you were wrong," Sam told her.

Everyone gasped. "Very well. If you win, I will let your entire team into the scare program. But if you lose, you will both leave Monsters University."

"Deal" Sam and Mike agreed.

"Now all you need to do is find enough members to compete," Hardscrabble told them.

"We need seven guys, right?" Mike questioned.

"Sorry, chief," Brock told Mike, "We count bodies, not heads. That dude counts as one." He pointed to the orange monster. The crowd laughed.

"Anybody else want to join our team?, Anyone at all?" Sam asked the crowd.

"Excuse me. Sorry. I'm late." Randy pushed through the crowd, "Can I squeeze by you?"

"Randy!" Mike called out to the lizard monster, "Randy, thank goodness, we need you on our team."

"Oh. Sorry," He looked at Mike. "I'm already on a team." He stepped out to reveal a ROR jacket.

"Boggs" Johnny called to him.

"I'm finally in with the cool kids, guys," Randy told them." Don't blow this for me." He sounded harsh.

"I need one more monster. Just one more!" Mike called out.

"Yeah, sorry. Doesn't look good." Claire told them, "We have to move on. Your team doesn't qualify."

Sam started to panic, if they did not find another monster to help or else they were screwed. Then, a very familiar voice spoke out through the crowd.

"Yes, it does!" Sam whipped towards the owner of the voice, it was Sulley. "The star player has just arrived."

"No way!, Someone else!, Please!, Anyone else," Mike tried convincing someone else.

"We're shutting down sign-ups, okay?. Is he on your team or not?" Claire asked.

Sam looked at Sulley and Sulley looked at Sam, smiling. "Yes, he's on our team."

"Good luck," Hardscrabble told them.

Mike and Sam looked up at Sulley. Sulley looked down at them, saying, "All right, Wazowski, Parker, what's the plan?"

Sam looks at him, worried, "Are you sure, you want to join?" Sulley looks at her, confused. "If we fail, you could be expelled too."

Sulley smiles at her. "If it gets me back in the program, then I'll take it." He looks to the side, rubbing his neck. "Plus, I want to repay you for all that tutoring you gave me." He says, smiling again at her. Sam's tries to say something, but Sulley stops her. "I insist."

Sam looks at him with wide eyes, before smiling at him, does something that surprises him. Sam reaches up and kisses him on the cheek, making Sulley blush with wide eyes. Sam pulls back and giggles at his face, she then turns to Mike, who's jaw was dropped. "Come on, Mike let's get our stuff." She then runs away.

Mike shakes his head, and runs after her, while shouting, "What is going on with you!?"

Sulley is left standing there, with a dazed look on his face, as he lightly touches the cheek that Sam kissed.

A big smile appears on his face.

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