Oozma Kappa

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After they gathered they're things and left to meet up at their new place, Sam told Mike of her crush on Sulley, to which he freaked out, and started naming a bunch of reasons, to why it is a bad idea to even think of having a crush on Sulley. She listened to him the entire way, but she ignored him. Then they arrived at the location.

"This is a fraternity house?" Sulley asked Mike and Sam as the two walked up to him.

Then the door opened and Sam heard what sound like polka music, and then an older monster opened the door, and waved saying, "Hey there, teammateys!,Come on abroad!"

"Oh dear," Sam sighed.

The trio walked up the stairs and the older monster greeted, "As the president of Oozma Kappa, it is my honor, to welcome you to your new home."

They saw the squishy looking monster and a monster with tentacles, four arms, and two heads. They all smiled, and the squishy monster told the trio, "We call this room 'Party Central'."

"Technically," The taller head announced, "We haven't had a party yet."

"But when we do, we'll be ready!" The shorter head finished, clicking a button on a remote. A door opened up in the ceiling, and a disco ball fell out of it, crashing on the ground into pieces. Sam slapped her forehead.

Sam sat on the couch while Sullivan picked up a picture frame and Mike sat next to his friend. "Whoo," The elder monster called, "The hot cocoa train is coming through!, Whoa!" The two headed monster grabbed a mug as the older monster passed by them.

"Next stop...you two!" Mike and Sam each grabbed a mug.

Mike then announced, "I would like to start us first by..."

"So," Sully cut him off, "You guys are scaring majors?"

"We were!" The elder monster chuckled, "None of us lasted very long"

"Why?" Sam asked.

"I guess, we just weren't what old Hardscrabble was looking for," The monster answered. "Don Carlton, mature student." Don gave Sullivan a business card. When Sullivan took it from him, Sam stood up and saw what the card said, 'DON CARLTON. SALES. 1200 Dark Ave.' and then his phone number. "Thirty years in the textile industry and old dandy Don got downsized."

The two headed monster introduced themselves. "I'm Terry with a 'Y'.." The taller head introduced.

"And I'm Terri with an 'I'!, I'm a dance major!" The shorter head informed.

"And I'm not," Terry informed.

"Five, six, seven, eight!" Terri danced and turned, but Terry didn't, "Seven, eight, turn!, And... Why didn't you turn?"

"Because, we never agreed to do this!, and," Terry whispered to his brother, "There's a girl here!" With her sharp hearing, Sam was able to hear it, a suppressed a smirk to appear on her face.

"You said this was going to be cool!" Terry told Terri.

"Now I'm embarrassed?!" Terry questioned his brother, shocked.

"Yes, because it's in front of people!"

"You should wake up embarrassed."

Sam groaned, closing her eyes making Sullivan chuckle at her, and making her open her eyes and give him a annoyed look, that then turned into a smile.

Then, there was a thumping noise on the stairs, a voice say, 'Hey, hey, hey!'

A purple, furry monster was sitting on a floral stool. "I'm Art!, New Age philosophy major."

"Excited to live with you and laugh with you," He shook his legs in the air, and put them down, "And cry with you."

"Thought you might like a dream journal." Art told them, throwing each of them a dream journal. Sam caught hers and smiled, it was a glitter picture of her in a heart.

"Guess that leaves me," The squishy monster startled Sullivan making Sam giggle at him, and he gave her a annoyed look, before it turn into a grin. He walked up to her and put his arm around her, making her lean into him. Mike rolled his eye at them. "My name's Scott Squibbles. My friends call me Squishy. He sat in a rocking chair and continued, "I'm undeclared, unattached, and unwelcome pretty much everywhere, but here."

Mike started to talk, "Well now, that we've all been introduced, as captain of out team..."

"So, basically, you guys have no scaring experience?" Sullivan questioned.

They chuckled, and Squishy jumped out of his chair, saying, "Not a lot!, But now we've got you!"

"You're about the scariest fella I've ever seen with them pink polka dots," Don told Sullivan, "And she is the scariest female I have ever seen," He pointed to Sam, who ducked her head in embarrassment.

"Aw, thanks," Sullivan smiled lazily.

"Yeah, thank you," Sam nodded, "But Mike's awesome too."

"Yeah. Actually, I think I bring the whole package," Mike tried to say to everyone.

"Your hands are as big as my face!" Squishy put Sullivan's hand on his face.

"He's like a mountain with fur!" Terri exclaimed.

"Oh, come on. I don't even work out," Sullivan told them.

"Yeah, me neither. I don't want to get too big," Art flexed slightly, and then sniffed.

"We thought our dreams were over, but Mike said if we win, they're letting us in the scaring program," Don told them.

"We're going to be real scarers!" Terri announced happily.

"The best!"

"You betcha!"

"Yeah," Sullivan chuckled, "Right."

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