Scaring Adults

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Mike opened and closed the closet door several times, and then Sam heard a siren.

Mike went over to the window and Sulley started running towards the door, saying, "We got to get out of here!"

"Let them come," Mike stopped Sulley by saying those words.

"What?" Sulley and Sam replied.

"If we scare them, I mean really scare them, we could generate enough scream to power the door from this side!" Mike informed.

Sam's eyes widened as a big smile appeared on her face.

"What are you talking about?" Sulley asked.

"I have read every book about scaring ever written. This could work!"

"A child's voice is strong, yes. But an adult's could pack a serious punch!" Sam made her right hand into a fist and punched into her left hand.

"They're adults. I can't do this," Sulley shook his head.

"Yes, you can!" Sam told him, as she went up to him and cradled his face in her hands, as they locked eyes. "Your my monster, you can scare anything." Sulley thought for a moment, and then gave her a firm nod.

"Just follow my lead." Mike ordered.

The door opened with a loud creak as some adult humans, probably rangers judging by their uniforms, walked into the cabin.

As they walked into the room, a fan creaked, thanks to Mike.

On the other side of the room, Sulley slammed a window op, causing a loud thud. Mike looked at Sulley and Sam and mouthed, 'One, two, three." Then, Sam slammed the door shut. Mike made a record player start, which gave off some creepy music. Sulley wound up a doll and placed it on the floor. "Mama," It said as it walked across the wooden floor, "Mama," The doll hit a bed, falling over, "Mama..."

Behind the rangers, Mike ran from one side of the room to the other, and Sulley dug his claws into the floor. The rangers looked up to the ceiling to find nothing. Yet.

Sulley scratched the wall, and the rangers turned. He did the same thing on the opposite wall, and the rangers turned to the other wall.

"What the...?" A ranger mumbled. Mike ran across the room again, and Sulley quickly pulled him up before he was spotted.

"Now what?" Sulley asked.

"Phase two," Mike answered.

Sulley made a bed shake, and then fell over. The rangers all screamed for a few seconds. Sam saw the closet glowing from the inside.

"Ready?" Mike asked Sam.

"Yep" Sam smiled.

She silently landed a few feet away from the closet door, took off her glasses, closed her eyes and she began sing.

"London bridge is falling down, falling down." The rangers slowly began to turn around to face Sam, "London bridge is falling down..." The rangers are now facing Sam, and they were shaking with wide fearful eyes. Sam opened her eyes, revealing her black soulless eyes as she smiled sinisterly at the rangers showing her canine fangs, and raised her claws in the air, "...My fair lady."

Mike had been tying up some trip wire as Sam was making their hearts pound, louder and louder. Then, Sulley jumped down behind her with a loud thump. The rangers tripped on the trip wire and fell backwards. Sulley and Sam let out their loudest, fiercest, and scariest roars, that they could muster. The rangers screamed back, they were absolutely terrified!. The light was getting brighter from the closet, and Sam could tell it was going to blow.

They scared the rangers out of the cabin and then Mike yelled, "Guys, come on!"

Sulley picked up Sam and made a dash for the door with Mike in front of them. He opened the door, and Sulley, while carrying Sam, got in before the explosion went off.

Sam was curled up in Sulley's arms as Sam looked at Hardscrabble and turned to where she was staring. The metal frame that held the door had melted, and was out of shape. "Whoa," Sam breathed.

"How?" Hardscrabble questioned as she looked at the wreckage, "How did you do this?"

"Don't ask me," Sulley looked down at Sam, "Are you ok?" He asked worriedly as he reached up with one hand and placed it on her cheek.

Sam smiled and nodded. Then, She leaned into his hand while closing her eyes.

Then, the door was cut open, and probably kicked down. "Move, move, move!" Someone on the CDA yelled, "This is a fifty-four-twenty-three in progress."

"All right, everyday, clear out. Secure the perimeter," Another agent ordered as Mike, Sulley, and Sam, who was now shaking and burying herself closer to Sulley as he tightens his grip on her. "No child breach. Repeat: No child breach."

"You ruined our door!" A monster yelled at the trio.

"I've been working on my door, all semester!" Another complained.

"Let's go, you three," The guard holding Mike ordered.

"You're alive!" Squishy smiled wider than he had ever smiled before.

"We're so glad you're safe," Don told them.

"Hey, wait!" Terry called.

"What's going to happen to them?" Terri asked.

"That's for the university president to decide," An agent with a number one on her chest answered, "But, you can be sure we'll be watching these three. Always watching."

As the trio, and the agents were walking away from everyone.

Then, the doors closed behind them.

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