The First Challenge

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Sam opened her eyes, only to close them again, after being blinded by the sunlight through the window. After blinking a few times, Sam fully opened her eyes. When Sam tried to sit up, she could not move a muscle, she looked down to see a blue furred arm around her waist. She looked towards the owner of the arm to see Sulley, sleeping peacefully with a smile on his face. Instead of blushing and screaming, Sam smiled and ran her hand through the fur on the top of her crush's head, she found herself enjoying it.

Mike was cuddling with Sullivan's hand. "Mm," Mike talked in his sleep, "I know you're a princess and I'm just a stable boy." He started to kiss the hand.

Then, the alarm went off.

Mike opened his eyes and saw Sullivan's hand. "Yuck!" Mike pushed Sullivan's hand away, making Sullivan and Sam fall out the back.

Sullivan yelled, "Mom!, What are you doing?" Sam groaned as she had fell flat on her face. She sat up rubbing her face. Sullivan turned to her, worried, "Are you ok?" He got a thumbs up in response.

"Your grubby paw was in my bed!" Mike yelled, making the other two face him.

"Were you kissing my hand?" Sullivan questioned Mike, looking at his hand.

Mike laughed nervously and told Sullivan, "No. And what about you two with your shredding?"

"We don't shed," Sam and Sullivan defended.

"Really," Mike asked, punching the mattress above him. A cloud of blonde and blue fur fell on him.


"Excuse me."

"I just wanna get my stuff."

"... Let me get my stuff!" They ended up tumbling out of the door, knocking in Sam, and she was at the bottom of the pile, being crushed by Sullivan and Mike's weights. Then, there was a camera clicking, and a flash.

"First morning in the house," Squishy said, plainly.

"That's going in the album!" Art told the trio.

"Guys!" Don ran over to them, "We got a letter!"

"A letter?"

"We never get mail," Terri said as Sullivan picked Sam up and settled her down on her feet, getting a smile from her.

Mike tried to take the letter from Don, but the letter was stuck to Don's hand. "Oh. Sorry. It's stuck," Don told Mike.

"Would you... Give me that!" Mike snatched the letter from Don's hand.

"Tentacles," Don chuckled, "They're sticky." Mike opened the letter and saw the words, "Scare Games," written in different letter styles.

Mike gasped and announced, "it's the first event in the scare games." He took out the letter all the way, and rad out loud, "A child's room is where you scare, but avoid the toxicity lurking there."

"Wait a minute," Sullivan said as Sam took the letter from Mike, "Where do they want us to meet?"

Sam looked up from the letter, and at him with a nervous look. "Well..."

"The campus Sewers," Sam groaned, "Why here?"

"Of all the sewers on campus, this one has always been my favorite," Art announced.

"Art, you've been here before?" Terry questioned him.

"I have a life outside of the house, you know," Art informed. Then, They began to hear a crowd cheering.

"Welcome to your worst nightmare," Brock announced with Claire standing by him, "The Scare Games!" The cheering got louder. "Yes!, Yes, I love it!" Brock shouted to the crowd, "I love this energy!"

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