You're the Prize||J. Gilinsky part3

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"Sam can we talk?" I ask. He looks at me and nods his head. I make my way toward the backyard with Sam trailing behind me. I take a seat on the steps, he does the same.

"What's up?" He breaks the silence.

"Can I ask you something but you have to answer with all honesty?" I ask.

"Yeah." He says a bit unsure.

"When you like someone do you care what we think about them?" I ask.

"Kind of, but I just rather y'all accept her." He says.

"Why do you hate Jack so much?" I ask.

"Cause he hook up with my ex girlfriend and rivalry between us. The Keltons, Wilkinson's and the Gilinskys, Johnson's don't get along well." He says.

"That's really the reason why?" I ask.

"It was was how I was brought upon to dislike him." He says.

"Sam." I whisper. "I like him or at least I am attracted to him." I say.

"Alex." He says.

"He's doesn't seem as bad, but I am scared." I say. "You hate him and you're my best friend, this group is my family. It's always been you guys and me against the world." I say.

"Now it's you and him?" He asks.

"No. I didn't tell him, I stayed quiet." I say. "I don't know what to do, should I tell him I want him or stay quiet and sit still and look pretty for my family to not cause more problems between our family's." I confess.

"I don't know, do what you want." He says and walks away from me. I, once again stay quiet.

I see Jack and his crew walk around with girls. We make eye contact, I look away and make my way to Swazz.

"What's up?" He asks, I just hug him cause that's all I need right now.

"Boys are stupid." I breathe out.

"Yes yes we are." He says causing me to laugh. I tell him everything even from the night it began.

"Well do what your heart tells you to do." He says. "Your parents hate each other cause of work reasons. But they love you too much to accept him if you like him, you're their baby." He says. "We love you too much we would give him a chance for you." Swazz says.

"Thank you Swazzy." I hug him.

"No problem, Alex that's what best friends are for if Sam can't do that than he's pretty fuckien stupid." Swazz says.

"So Sam's pretty stupid?" I turn to see Sam he looks pretty mad.

"Yes you are Sam." Swazz says.

"Now why is that?" Sam asks.

"Cause you can't accept the fact that she likes someone for the longest and most importantly she's your dam best friend!" Swazz says.

"Stay out of our shit Swazz." Sam says.

"It's my shit too cause it's Alex, she's my best friend too, she's family." Swazz says. "You can't make her choose Sam, don't be fuckien selfish." Swazz says. Sam swings and hit Swazz on the jaw. Swazz swings. I see Derek, Nate, Dillon and Taylor running toward us. Nate and Derek hold Sam while Dillon and Taylor hold Swazz.

"You're just being selfish." Swazz tells Sam.

"Shut it Swazz." Sam says.

"Stop. Stop it. You guys are causing a scene." I say. "We should get you guys cleaned up." I say.

"What is the meaning of this?" Nate asks.

"We should probably leave before words get to the principle." Derek says. We make our way to our cars, Sam and I ride together. It's quiet and you can feel the tension. I turn on the radio to lessen the tension. Once we park inside the drive way I get out of the car and make my way toward the door to unlock it. I get inside and look for the first aid kit.

I'm currently cleaning up Sam, I cleaned up Swazz which thankfully wasn't nothing major. I notice Sam tense up once I dab the cotton with alcohol on his cut.

"I'm sorry." I say. He just ignores me. Oh okay you want to play it that way, alright both can play this game.

"Thank you." He says once I'm done cleaning him up. I just nod my head while I put the things away.

"Have you guys talked?" Derek asks.

"No." I say.

"Sam's too much of a stubborn little brat at times. You should talk to him." He says.

"I don't want to talk to him." I say. "At least not yet." I say.

"How about Gilinsky?" He asks.

"I want to talk to him." I slyly smile. "I'll do it sometime this week." I say.

"Whatever happens, I stand by you. If you start seeing Gilinsky I'll have to warm up to the idea and it will take some time but I'll try get along with him for your sake." He says. "Cause you're family Alex, you're the mother of the group." He says.

"Thank you Derek." I hug him.

"I had asked him if he was willing to risk friendships of years for someone that it might not even work out with, and he quickly said yes and I just sat there and thought about it. Was I willing to lose you guys, my guys, my family for a guy it might not even work out with. I don't think I am ready." I whisper, my eyes are watery at his point.

"It's going to be okay." Derek hugs me.

"It's just I accept that whore when Sam dated her, we all knew she was cheating I tried telling him and he told me I was a liar, that I was jealous that he was happy and with someone." I say.

Here's part 3 guys. Part four? Don't forget to vote, share, comment if you'd like to.
Updated: August 21, 2016

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