Be honest.|| S. Wilkinson

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"So Jacklyn people ask why you tweeted this?" Maggie and Haidee ask me since we're doing a Q&A for Haidee's video. She shows me my tweet.

Daddy's mine.

"I have an explanation for that

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"I have an explanation for that." I say smiling.

"Explain yourself." Haidee says laughing her ass off.

"Okay Sam and I did a challenge and who ever won got to tweet off the losers account whatever they wanted and well I lost and he tweeted that. But I pinned it." I grin.

"Well there you have it folks." Mags says laughing.

"But do you call him daddy?" Haids asks.

"Be honest." Mags adds.

"If I do or don't that's on me, chismosas." I call them laughing.

"She just call us nosy." Haids says gasping. We all turn to look at each other and start dying of laughter.


"Bye girls." I say.

"Leaving already?" Mags asks.

"Sam's waiting down stairs." I tell them. I kiss and hug them goodbye.

"Ooh your daddy." Mags winks causing Haids to lose it and laugh.

"Go get some girlfriend, later on explain to me what went down." Haids smirks.

"I sure will." I say winking at them and leave Mags apartment.


"Hey babe." I say taking a seat.

"Hey babe." He kisses me.  "Do you want to get pizza and watch a JK at home?" He asks me.

"A date?" I tease him.

"Thursday's are our dates days. Remember, it's our you and me day." He says placing his hand on my thigh gripping it a bit.


"You know Mags and Haids asked me today about the daddy tweet." I tell him as I open the pizza box.

"Really what did you say?" He asks.

"The truth that I lost a challenge and you tweet that out. But I pinned it. Then they asked me if I actually call you daddy." I tell him while opening a tab and going on YouTube.

"What did you tell them?" He grins.

"That's it's not any of their business." I smile at him. "Ohh lets watch this one." I tell him.

"Play it then." He says.


It's our fifth video and I've felt Sam's hands on thighs, he would skim them from time to time.

"Can I lay on you and use your boobs as pillows?" He asks me.

"Fine." I say. I fix myself and let him lay on me using my boobs as his pillow.

"I love these." He tells me.

"Whys that?" I ask.

"Cause they're amazing and perfect and soft." He tells me.

"That's cute babe." I tell him and go back the watching the video. I feel him leaving light trails of kiss on my neck and shoulders and chest. He bits down and sucks causing my throat to hitch. He repeats the process making me moan.

"You do call me daddy." He whisper by my ear and soft bites my ear lobe. "Be honest." He tells me. His hand runs up and down my body as he kisses me all over, I fell his hand going into my shorts. I rub my self against him. I feel his member poking my thigh. I some how manage to flip is around without falling, I'm sitting on top of him feeling his member poke me.

"Be honest, you want that taken care of daddy." I grin at him.

"Yes I do mami." He pulls me down into a kiss.

This one is for my hoe,
Since I've been telling her I would do her one. I'm sorry it took so long baby! jakelyn45
Updated: September 05, 2016

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