Chapter 11

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        You weren't sure how long it had been. You knew you were asleep, and you could still slightly hear things from the outside world, such as the car's engine and the almost silent radio which played old 70's music. Wait... shouldn't you be going home? Home wasn't that far, was it?

At the thought, you awoke from your dreamless slumber and opened your eyes. The car was pulled over now, on the side of an empty highway. You looked around, then at Doctor Ryan. He stared blankly at the steering wheel, with almost emotionless hazel eyes. Then reality hit you hard in the face with a titanium bus. This wasn't a doctor... This was James. You should've known earlier. After all, how would a random doctor possibly know about Jamie?

You instantly shuffled to the other side of the car, eyes widening. "J-James!" You gasped. He looked at you, a smirk now twitching at his lips. "Ah, so you finally recognized me..." He said. You moved to open the door. He locked it. You froze, realizing that you were locked in a confined space with this man. Just from the aura he gave off, you suddenly knew why you'd felt so nervous around this bastard the first time you'd met.

James chuckled darkly and moved toward you. You shook your head, and with trembling hands you tried to unlock the door. The door came unlocked with a single 'click'. The man paused. In this moment of hesitation, you practically kicked open the car door and ran across the empty road and into the treeline. James shouted something behind you, and chased you.

You couldn't run as fast as you normally would, thanks to that d*mn cast. But hell, you sure could run fast for a girl with a cast. Your heart pounded in your chest and ears. You stumbled over your feet a few times, but caught yourself each time and continued running. James' heavy footsteps pounded on the ground behind you, gradually getting closer and closer.

Suddenly, a great weight was pressed against you, and you went crashing to the ground. James hovered over you, his back pressed against chest pressed against your back. His chest rumbled as he chuckled, then soon burst into an insane fit of laughter. "The look on your face!" He cackled. He flipped you around so you faced him. You tried to shove him off. "Get off!" You screamed.

James just laughed. "Oh, my darling~ You didn't think you could get away that easily, did you?" He smirked. You shivered. "L-leave me alone you bastard..." You growled at him, mentally cursing yourself for stuttering. His smirk only widened. "Now that's no way to treat your elders." He said.

Your eyes widened in horror as he pulled out a long needle. It reflected off the moonlight. He pushed the needle into your arm. You whimpered. James chuckled. "You won't remember a thing, darling." He chuckled again and pushed the liquid into your veins.

Almost immediately, your eyes got droopy and you became sleepy. James smirked down at you. You soon fell into unconsciousness, the last thing you remembered was the moon shining in the sky.

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