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This time you took the elevator with Jason all the way down to the main hall where there Jason helped guide you to the dining room.

Once you entered you couldn't believe your eyes everybody there looked like serial killers!

One had a fake leather mask on whilst another had pins in his head!

"This is unbelievable..." You mumbled

"Well believe it sister" Izzy told you as she walked right by with a large turkey in hand "Hey JJ why don't you go get the rest of them and tell em din din's ready"

Jason nodded and left you to stand there awkwardly

"Well don't stand there come sit!" Izzy cheered as she put the turkey down

You smiled warily and sat next to a guy who seemed pretty normal he had light brown hair and blue eyes, to tell the truth pretty handsome for someone who looked so young kinda like if Johnny Depp and Leonardo decaprio had a love child.

"New here hu?" He asked

You nodded with a smile

"So how many people you kill?" He asked

Your eyes widened and looked away from him as he chuckled

"Your the sweet innocent one here aren't ya? Well don't worry your going fit right in" he told you

"Hey! Billy! why don't you quit antagonizing her. She looks a nervous already!" Izzy shouted

Billy sighed rolling his eyes at Izzy and not that long after Jason came back and sat next to you on the other side. You smiled at him but soon that faded when more of these types of people came in

One of them looked pretty normal just like billy, he wore a worn green turtle neck and some black pants as well as his hair being a poofy wild mess

Another that was horribly burned wearing a green and red sweater as well as a fedora

another that looked super tall and thin, he wore a basic white mask but looked dirty and unmanaged hair

And lastly a man in a navy blue jumpsuit and white mask came in sitting across from you

Izzy sat at the end of the table next to you on the left and the man in the white mask on her right

"Alright masks off I'm not gonna have it ruin dinner like last week..." she glared at the badly burned man

He threw his hands in the air like he was defending himself "Hey wasn't my fault short bus over there decided to throw mashed potatoes at me!" He snapped pointing at Jason

Jason glared at the man but none the less settled down, most likely only to appease Izzy. Izzy rolled her eyes as they all took their masks off and it felt strange that all these people trusted each other enough to take them off

Once everyone dug into the food it started to instantly get louder. You stayed quiet and just listened to the conversations around you when Freddy, you assumed sense Izzy called him that, called out to you

"Hey so sweet cakes what brings you all the way out here to this dump?"

Izzy glared at him but he seemed to ignore it and wait for your reply

You shrugged "Dunno guess for the rent price, I mean who would pass up $400 every 4 months with no down payment"

Freddy snapped his gaze over to Izzy "What!? Your making me pay nearly $600 every 3 months!! What gives bitch!?" He snapped

Izzy rolled her eyes "It's cause you're an asshole Freddy!" she swallowed some food before continuing "Let's just say it's an asshole fee"

Freddy let out huff and grumbled something along the lines of 'something something filthy skank'

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