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Soon breakfast was made and everyone gathered in the dining room yet again

it seemed kinda odd to you that more people arrived at breakfast rather than dinner but it was also nice sense you got to meet more of the tenants in the house.

You sat at the dining room table in the same spot, the only difference now is that all 10 seats where taken up. This time was different though Izzy had started going around to all of them basically patting on there head like it was duck duck goose or something

She started at the very end patting Freddy's head

"Freddy..." she sang

Then onto the guy with pins in his head from last night


Then it was that handsome guy you sat next to last night


She kept skipping down the line now patting her hand on the head of the guy who wore a leather mask


You knew the next one for sure


The last one in that row was the man in the white mask


She skipped around the table to the next row. She patted your head


She skipped down to Tex


The person next to Tex was something with a pale white complexion and untamed green hair


Next was the normal looking guy with the untamed hair and green turtleneck


"Another Billy!?" you thought

the next one after Billy #2 was the tall man with the dirty look and unmanaged hair


She skipped to the end of the table right next to you and smiled brightly

"Now that everyone is acquainted...let's dig in!" She shouted

And almost instantly everyone started to chow down on the breakfast consisting of French toast, eggs, regular toast, bacon, sausage and waffles/pancakes accompanied by 2 large glasses of orange and apple juice.

When you took the first bite out of your (Select food choice from the list above) your eyes widened in shock

"Wow! Izzy, your a really good cook!" You complimented

"Why thank you (Y/N) some people..." she glared down at Freddy only to get the finger in return "Don't recognize good talent when they see it"

You let out a soft chuckle and continued with eating.

After breakfast you went up stairs and got changed into a baggy sweatshirt and some shorts, seeing as it looked very cloudy out that day, you slipped on some ankle high boots before leaving your room. You locked your door then turned around only to run into none other than Jason

"Oof!..." You backed away from him letting a smile grace your lips "Well then we just keep running into each other?"

Jason chuckled "Guess we do..."

The air was a tad bit awkward until Jason spoke again "Hey (Y/N) I wanna show you something..."

You tilted your head in confusion and before you could ask what it was he grabbed you by the wrist and dragged you down stairs and out the back door.

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