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You reached the kitchen to see Izzy cleaning dishes by the sink and a very handsome blonde man sitting at the island. He looked at you and smirked making your cheeks turn bright red but quickly brushed that off you looked back at Izzy once again in a panic and out of breathe

"There was some creature in my bed Izzy!" You squealed

Izzy leaned over placing the plate in the dishwasher as she asked you "Well there's a lot of creatures living here you may wanna to be more specific"

The handsome man sitting at the island let out a chuckle that soon stopped once you glared at him. You where about to answer Izzy when stomping feet and an angry voice stopped you. Turning to look back you could see Freddy in his boxers and a white tank top along with an angry looking upon his features

"I'm gonna kill that god damn pet of yours once I get ahold of it!" He yelled at Izzy

Izzy laid another dish in the dishwasher "Oh? And what happened this time?" She asked

"That little flea bag interrupted my time with (Y/N)!"

Izzy abruptly stopped and turned to Freddy narrowing her eyes at him then at you.

"Were you two fondling each other last night!?" She asked placing her hands on her hips

You looked shocked and disgusted by that comment "What!? Hell no! He invaded my dream!" You said pointing at him

Izzy's eyes grew wide as she snapped her gaze to Freddy and glared at him. "What did I tell you about dreamscaping!" She yelled

Freddy rolled his eyes at Izzy "Oh don't get your panties in a knot!"

"The rule is no dreamscaping and you know that!"

You looked confused as you asked "Why can't he dreamscape?"

Izzy looked at you and sighed "Last time he did it he hanged Jason by the flagpole near the lake and let's just say Jason wasn't happy when he woke up."

"Wait you have your own lake?!" You asked in shock

Before Izzy answered you that dreaded creature ran into the room making a hissing noise. You screamed and jumped up on the nearest thing to you which, unfortunately, was Freddy

"That's it! That's the creature I found in my bed!" You squealed as you pointed at it

The thing jumped up on the counter and sat next to the sink looking at Izzy with its tongue out and long tail wagging.

"What? Cookie!? She wouldn't hurt a fly!" Izzy explained patting the thing on the head

You shoved off of Freddy and asked "What is it?"

Izzy closed the dishwasher and started it before answering "It's a Xeno an alien species I found on earth one day and just decided to raise it." She explained

You were still slightly freaked to say the least but just kind of dealt with it as you sat next to the guy by the island.

Izzy turned around and started to look for something when she asked "Has anybody seen Blade?"

After saying that soft but noticeable footsteps were heard as they ran into the kitchen. You saw what seemed to be a little puppet run to Izzy and smile up at her

"There you are! You wanna help mommy make breakfast?" She asked

He shook his head so Izzy picked him up and placed him on top of the counter.

"This place seems to get weirder and weirder each day..." You mumbled to yourself

"Oh trust me it gets weirder, doll"

You looked over at the man next to you with furrowed eyebrows "What do you mean?" You asked

He shrugged, "Just sayin' it gets weirder..." he looked at you and smiled "Names Tex, what's yours?"

You smiled at him "(Y/N)"

"Such a pretty name for a woman as beautiful as you~"

You blushed a deep red and heard behind you

"Ah come on!" From Freddy

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